How can I get my NGB-22 and NGB-23? - History
2022年3月4日 · According to the National Guard Bureau Publications & Forms Library, if you have been discharged from the National Guard and need NGB Forms, to include NGB Forms 22 and 23, please submit a Standard Form (SF) 180 to New Jersey Department Of Military and Veterans Affairs, Attn: IASD-ASB-RALV, P.O. Box 340, Trenton, NJ 08625-0340 or email robert ...
Seeking a copy of my NGB Form 23 - Military Records Forum
2020年11月6日 · Your NGB Form 23 will be filed with your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). The date when you were discharged from the Army National Guard will determine what agency you need to contact.
Seeking a copy of my NGB Form 23 - Military Records Forum
2020年7月23日 · Seeking a copy of my NGB Form 23 Brian Mcquade over 5 years ago I would like a copy of my NGB Form 23 (National Guard Bureau Retirement Credits Record) so I can refinance.
Who would I contact to get a copy of my NGB form 23?
2018年3月20日 · NGB Form 23 Retirement Points Summary Statement - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. Most Army National Guard Soldiers receive an updated NGB Form 23 each year on their service anniversary or birth month. Read on...
NGB FORM 23 - Military Records Forum - History Hub
Your NGB Form 23 will be filed with your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). The date when you were discharged from the Army National Guard will determine what agency you need to contact.
How could I request a copy of my NG 23? - History
2024年1月11日 · Your NGB Form 23 will be filed with your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). The date when you were discharged from the Army National Guard will determine what agency you need to contact.
NGB 23 - Military and Civilian Personnel Records Forum - History
ngb 23 DaniellelGeorge1 over 1 year ago I have been unable to get my spouse’s military records he was with the NYS NATIONAL GUARD AND THEN PHOENIX AZ GUARD I am due his pension benefits they are saying he did not have a DD-214 but he did and I can’t get what I need!
NGB 22 and 23 - Military and Civilian Personnel Records Forum
Please help me find out how to obtain my NGB 22 and NGB 23. I have called numerous numbers and have had no luck, left multiple messages. I was discharged honorably in Colorado Springs CO. Can someone direct me to what and where I need to go to find these forms so we can get a VA loan. Thanks
Seeking my NGB Form 23 - Army and Air Force Records Forum
2022年2月22日 · I am requesting my NGB Form 23 from the NPRC. I need it to show my years active with the AIR FORCE National Guard BUT they just keep sending me my DD-214 which only shows my active duty for basic training.
Does anyone have an update on scroll number P29-23?
2023年6月14日 · In any case, please feel free to use this new thread to ask questions and post updates to our little '"Promotion Purgatory Support Group". I do not work for NGB so I will not be able to get you answers, but at least we can re-establish the forum. Best of luck to y'all!...