Size of NCR Military : r/Fallout - Reddit
Oct 22, 2019 · In tactical terms, the highest viable casualty ratio that any army is expected to handle is 20%. Since this is an army in a world much harsher than ours, the 20% ratio is probably around the mark for the NCR forces. 16,000 * 5 = 80,000 deployed over four years.
I'm trying to figure out the army structure of the NCR. Have I
The NCR army structure of command is closely related to those of modern armies. Since the NCR as a whole is smaller than the militaries of some countries today, it makes sense that their army is structured a bit more simply. Here it is compared to the United States (source 1, 2, 3):
Just how big is the NCR's military? : r/Fallout - Reddit
On the fallout wiki it says the NCR military is made up "of several divisions". In military terms, a division is made up of 10-20 thousand men. Meaning the NCR army is about 40,000 men. With an army that size, how have they not completely steamrolled Caeser's Legion? How do they equip that many soldiers with guns and armor?
Lore-friendly interpretations of the NCR Army's capabilities
Dec 7, 2020 · The NCR obviously has a lot of smarts from the old world, and the old world knew that armies could be more efficient with a variety of weapons. Artillery, machine guns, ect, and the NCR has good industrial capability. Played straight, the NCR Army would probably not just be a bunch of people with rifles and 9mm submachine guns. -Engineering.
How big the NCR army? : r/falloutlore - Reddit
The NCR has a great industrial base, competent officers, and one of the more complex organizational charts in the Wastes. Having said that, their defeat to any of the factions in the game is entirely believable to me. The Legion is much more competent than typically portrayed, and they have the tactical flexibility to counter most of what the NCR can do. The Securitron …
I have some questions about the NCR army. : r/falloutlore - Reddit
I have some questions about the NCR army. In Fallout New Vegas, General Oliver Lee's uniform looks very similar to the uniform of US military officers during World War 2. The uniforms of NCR soldiers look quite similar to the military uniforms of several countries during World War 2.
My take on the NCR Army : r/Fallout - Reddit
Nov 13, 2023 · We know that the NCR has civilian cars and uses trains so civilian mechanics could also serve as Reservists and train part time on the NCR Army's fleet of trucks for example. Another example could be NCR farmers serving in logistics roles, this isn't as much of a 1:1 equivalency but I hope it illustrates the idea I'm going for.
What are the weapons of NCR troopers, rangers and heavy troopers?
Mar 26, 2021 · For the NCR trooper the standard armaments are the service rifle, along with the caravan shotgun and varmint rifle, for sidearms it's the 9mm pistol. As for the rangers it varies but the brush gun, ranger sequoia, and anti-material rifle are standard. Finally for the heavy troopers it's the minigun, light machine gun and the super sledge. Of course I may be wrong feel free to …
r/falloutlore on Reddit: The NCR military isn't as big as people …
Apr 2, 2020 · The NCR military isn't as big as people keep on making it out to be It seems to be a common perception that the NCR has tens of thousands of soldiers in their army, and the Hoover Dam is considered to be an epic battle where thousands upon thousands of soldiers are clashing with one another. However, from what can be gathered in-game, this doesn't really seem to be …
Mr. House's Seuritron Army V.S. NCR Army : r/Fallout - Reddit
Jan 22, 2014 · NCR Army, probably. Even though it's shown that the Army isn't exactly enthusiastic about being the role of peacekeeper in the Mojave, I feel like they would just be better for the Mojave in general.