Nitrogen trichloride - Wikipedia
Nitrogen trichloride, also known as trichloramine, is the chemical compound with the formula NCl 3. This yellow, oily, and explosive liquid is most commonly encountered as a product of chemical reactions between ammonia-derivatives and chlorine (for example, in swimming pools).
三氯化氮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三氯化氮,也称为三氯胺,是化学式为NCl 3 的化合物。 这个黄色、油状、具有刺激性气味的液体,经常可以在 氨 的衍生物与 氯 的反应的副产物中见到。
氯化氮 - 百度百科
三氯化氮(nitrogen trichloride),也称为三氯胺, 无机化合物,化学式是NCl3,分子量是120.37 [1]。 为黄色、油状、具有刺激性气味的 挥发性 有毒液体,沸点为71℃,极不稳定。 [1]若置于 (NH4)2SO4溶液中并放在暗处,可以保存数日。 三氯化氮的性质很活泼,很容易水解生成氨和 次氯酸。 强氧化剂。 常见于在氨的衍生物与氯的反应的副产物。 纯的NCl3是非常活泼的。 把自来水用一氯胺消毒,就会有少量三氯化氮产生。 三氯化氮在常温下为黄色粘稠的油状、挥发性有 …
Nitrogen trichloride | Cl3N | CID 61437 - PubChem
Oct 14, 2021 · The results of the study evidenced a mean value of airborne NCl(3) of 0.65 +/- 0.20 mg/cu m (ranging from 0.20 to 1.02 mg/cu m). Both ocular and upper respiratory symptoms, in particular red eyes, runny nose, voice loss and cold symptoms, were declared more frequently by lifeguards and trainers when compared with employees working in other ...
Trichloramine - American Chemical Society
Aug 30, 2016 · Trichloramine (NCl 3), also known as nitrogen chloride or trichloride, is a toxic, explosive, nasty-smelling oily liquid with a boiling point of 71 ºC. It is unstable in air and rapidly decomposes in water.
NCl3 Lewis Structure, Molecular Structure ... - Geometry of …
Jul 27, 2022 · NCl 3 comprises a single, central Nitrogen atom that forms covalent bonds with a set of three surrounding Chlorine atoms. There is also a lone pair attached to the central nitrogen atom. The hybridization of the central Nitrogen in Trichloramine is sp 3.
三氯化氮的性质及危险性 - 医学教育网
NCl 3 在湿气中易水解生成一种常见的漂白剂,显示酸性,NCl 3 与水反应的产物为HClO和NH 3.水解的化学方程式:NCl 3 +3H 2 O=NH 3 +3HClO;NCl 3 遇碱迅速分解,反应式为2NCl 3 +6NaOH=N 2 +3NaClO+3NaCl+3H 2 O
三氯化氮 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
Oct 21, 2023 · 分子式NCl 3,分子量120.366。
三氯化氮 (NCl 3 ) 是一种淡黄色的油状液体,测得其分子具有三角锥形结构。下列对 NCl 3 …
三氯化氮 (NCl3)是一种淡黄色的油状液体,测得其分子具有三角锥形结构。 下列对NCl3的有关描述正确的是 ( ) A. NCl3是三角锥形结构,故它是非极性分子 B. NCl3分子间可形成氢键,故它比PCl3难挥发 C. NCl3有孤电子对,它还能以配位键的形式再与一个Cl-结合 D. NCl3分子中不存在非极性共价键. D虽然NCl3具有三角锥形结构,但不关于中心对称,故它是极性分子;NCl3分子中不含氢原子,分子间只有分子间作用力,没有氢键,故它比PCl3易挥发;NCl3分子中虽然有 …
Nitrogen Trichloride Formula & Structure - Purdue University
NCl 3. nitrogen trichloride . Molecular Model Application loaded. ...