The fifth season of the police procedural drama NCIS premiered on September 25, 2007, and marks the end of Donald P. Bellisario's involvement as show runner. [1] The new showrunner, …
A Navy lieutenant threatens to jump from an 11th-floor ledge in Washington; the Metro PD calls the NCIS; Gibbs and company respond and investigate; Gibbs talks the man out of jumping, …
The NCIS team's investigation into the assassination of a Navy Admiral takes an unexpected and emotional turn when they meet a woman searching for her missing husband, a political …
NCIS Season 5 premiered on September 25, 2007 and ended on May 20, 2008. This is the only NCIS season to have nineteen episodes in it due to the fact that the Writers of Guild went on a …
The program and its characters are introduced during the eighth season of JAG.The JAG episodes, "Ice Queen" and "Meltdown", served as pilot episodes for the show. The character …
2007年9月25日 · The NCIS team's investigation into the assassination of a Navy Admiral takes an unexpected and emotional turn when they meet a woman searching for her missing husband, …
The NCIS team's investigation into the assassination of a Navy Admiral takes an unexpected and emotional turn when they meet a woman searching for her missing husband, a political …