Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis: 5 Things to Know - Medscape
2024年5月9日 · 3. MRI imaging studies should be reviewed by MS care experts for differential diagnoses. As previously mentioned, MS is a clinical diagnosis. Paraclinical studies, such as MRI of the brain ...
Detecting Multiple Sclerosis Mimics Early - Medscape
Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an intriguing disease and a challenging diagnosis to establish – several tools are available to aid a physician in its diagnosis, such as MRI, evoked ...
Multiple Sclerosis Med Nearly Eliminates Disease Activity on MRI
2024年6月5日 · A second-generation anti-CD40L monoclonal antibody suppresses multiple sclerosis (MS) disease activity on MRI to an uncommonly high degree, new trial data suggested.
Multiple Sclerosis and the Ophthalmologist - Page 3 - Medscape
Findings that suggest an atypical presentation for acute optic neuritis include 1) no light perception vision, 2) optic disk or retinal hemorrhages, 3) severe optic disk swelling, 4) macular ...
The Neuro-Ophthalmology of Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape
The risk of developing MS following DON can be stratified based on MRI findings with a long-term risk of 25% in patients with a normal MRI and 72% with an abnormal MRI. Mimickers of demyelinating ...
New Recommendations on MRI Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
2016年2月9日 · Cite this: New Recommendations on MRI Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape - Feb 09, 2016. Authors and Disclosures. Authors and Disclosures Journalist Sue Hughes. Freelance News Editor, Medscape
MRI a Viable Alternative to Lumbar Puncture for MS Diagnosis?
2022年10月28日 · To diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS), the central vein sign (CVS) on brain MRI appears to work as well as oligoclonal bands (OCBs) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and combining the two biomarkers ...
Normal MRI and MS Diagnosis - Medscape
2002年12月11日 · Question A 37-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with MS and prescribed subcutaneous interferon beta-1a. MRI of the head and spine are negative, and CSF is negative for oligoclonal bands.
The Neuro-Ophthalmology of Multiple Sclerosis - Page 4
Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia in a patient with multiple sclerosis. (A) ... The risk of developing MS following DON can be stratified based on MRI findings with a long-term risk of 25% in ...
MRI Findings Are Often Missed in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Characteristic MRI signal changes can be diagnostic in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but they are subtle and easily missed if not specifically looked for. News & Perspective Drugs & Diseases