MoTeC - CDL3
MoTeC CDL3 is a data logging device designed for motorsport applications.
CDL3 - motec
The Club Dash Logger (CDL3) comes standard as a combined backlit display and powerful control device in one lightweight unit. With the addition of the Data Logging upgrade it becomes a fully programmable data logger with 8 MB memory.
The CDL3 is a sophisticated display and powerful control device combined in one lightweight unit. With the addition of a Data Logging upgrade it becomes a fully programmable data logger with 8 MB memory (see Dash Logger Upgrades).
MoTeC CDL3 Club Dash Display and Logger - RaceDataSystems
The Club Dash Logger (CDL3) comes standard as a combined display and powerful control device in one lightweight unit. With the addition of the Data Logging upgrades it becomes a fully programmable data logger with 8 MB memory.
MOTEC CDL3 TRACK LOGGING KIT - Rywire Motorsport …
MoTeC's CDL3 Track Logging Kit is a cost-effective, plug-in display and data solutions that are supplied complete with shift lights, GPS, pre-wired buttons and professional quality looms. The kit is based on the CDL3 Club Dash and is designed to be quickly and easily installed, even by those with little or no experience with MoTeC systems.
CDL3的自定义CAN协议 - CSDN博客
概括地说就是Motec的CAN协议以0x82,0x81,0x80为包头,每个数据包包含22帧,存放了各种数据。 但对使用CDL的我来说,仍然存在两个重要的问题。 一是将CAN分析仪接到从M800输出到CDL的CAN接口上试图分析数据时,我发现我得到的数据是这样的. 不难发现,是18帧一个循环,而且里面也没有出现任何形似82,81,80的数据。 第二是,CDL如何知道应该在哪一位放了什么数据,又如何知道接入的是什么ECU呢? 如果它一直按照82,81,80,22帧的协议来读数据,岂不 …
CDL3 Display Logger - Motec Canada
The Club Dash Logger is a fully configurable backlit display, controller and logging device. It offers the same quality and advanced technology as our top of the line systems, with a package of features tailored to suit entry level motorsport requirements such as club racing. COMES ENABLED WITH LOGGING AND I/O AT NO ADDITIONAL COST!
MoTeC - CDL3 Track Logging Kit
The CDL3 Track Logging Kit has a professional level, terminated loom that is pre-configured to get the most out of your CDL3. This loom plugs into the back of the CDL3, and has labelled wires for each of the devices that come with the kit.
MoTeC - CDL3 Loom
The CDL3 Race Loom enables quick, convenient installation of a CDL3 Club Dash Logger to your vehicle, providing plug-in connection of the CDL3 Dash Logger to power, ethernet, ECU, GPS and buttons.
MOTEC CDL3 - Rywire Motorsport Electronics
The screen layout can be tailored to suit individual preferences and is able to display a large number of data channels, warning alarms, lap times, fuel calculations, minimum corner speeds, maximum straight speeds and more. The CDL3 is available standalone or as part of MoTeC's CDL3 Track Logging Kit. Basic specifications Communications