Moroni’s America Blog – "Moroni's America" – The North …
2024年3月28日 · "Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon in North America. Search Toggle menu. Search for: April 3, 2024 Uncategorized. April 3 and the anti-Cowdery M2Cers–again. On April 3, it’s a good time to think about Oliver Cowdery. This is important because in our day, many LDS scholars […]
Maps – "Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the …
Moroni’s America explains that Lehi landed in North America and encountered indigenous hunter/gatherers, consistent with the archaeological record. The Nephites migrated from Tennessee to Illinois, where they met the people of Zarahemla.
About Jonathan - Moroni's America
2017年6月17日 · Moroni carried the plates all the way from Central America to New York because the “real” Cumorah—the site of the final battles of the Nephites and Lamanites—was located in Central America.
The happiness of Moroni’s America
2020年1月22日 · The North American setting for the Book of Mormon, which I call Moroni’s America (hence the book of that name) is awesome for many reasons, but one of the biggest is the happiness it brings. Think of it: the North American setting means we can embrace the teachings of the prophets without resorting to a bunch of sophistry to justify/explain ...
About Moroni’s America – "Moroni's America" – The North …
Statement of Purpose: To help people understand the Book of Mormon by explaining the North American setting. Motto: Letter VII describes Moroni’s America. Value Statement: The Book of Mormon is a translation of an actual record of actual people who lived in America from roughly 600 BC to 400 AD
Geography – "Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for …
2017年11月25日 · Only now, in 2015, can we see the Book of Mormon for what it has always been: an incredibly complex history of the Native American Indians who inhabited what was, in 1830-1842, the United States of America.
Dirkmaat article in March Liahona-detail part 1 – "Moroni's …
2024年3月20日 · “it teaches the honest + humble mind of the great things of God that were performed in the land of promise now called America in Ancient days…” Our M2C scholars will insist that Woodruff was referring to the “American continent” or …
Store – "Moroni's America" – The North American Setting for the …
Moroni’s America offers a new interpretation of the Book of Mormon text that is consistent with what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery taught. This chapter-by-chapter analysis places the events squarely in North America, with locations in Tennessee, Iowa, Ohio, and New York.
Moroni and America – "Moroni's America" – The North American …
2017年4月14日 · After discussing the American Revolution, Elder Hyde related Moroni’s involvement with the country. Notice the part I emphasized in bold below. In those early and perilous times, our men were few, and our resources limited.
Maps and expectations – "Moroni's America" – The North …
2016年8月31日 · Everyone is trying to figure out Book of Mormon geography by reading the text and referring to satellite maps. As I pointed out in Moroni’s America, this can be helpful in some ways, but there’s no reason to think that Mormon and Moroni had satellite imagery. They lived on the ground. They didn’t have airplanes, let alone satellites.