best mooring setup - SailNet Community
2008年11月10日 · Bellow the ball pendant attachment causes the least amount of problems unless you have multiple floats and the "equator" of your mooring ball sits bellow the surface of the water. If the waist or "equator" of your ball floats above the surface of the water, no matter how many floats you have, it will wrap the ball and then get suck down to the ...
marking a mooring ball... - SailNet Community
2008年2月29日 · We actually use a foam mooring float, but we put a plastic plate on the float and then use small shallow nails and nailed in small plastic lettering with our mooring number and some ID.
Hooking up to a mooring buoy - SailNet Community
2024年7月2日 · Tie a line to the bow cleat and bring it all up outside the pulpit. When the mooring ball is at the bow, throw the line over, past and around the ball, holding the bitter end. As the line sinks behind the ball, pull in the bitter end. The line will wrap beneath the ball, around its chain. Pull it in tightly, until the ball is snug against the hull.
Mooring Ball Covers? - SailNet Community
2009年5月17日 · The best thing to do is to buy a soft mooring ball like a Polyform or Scanmarin with below the ball connections and paint the blue stripe with specific float paint and paint the stripe in a location that the paint won't come into contact with the ball.
Mooring ball & chain scuffing - SailNet Community
2007年12月16日 · In areas of strong tidal flow, such as rivers, tributaries and sections of bays, currents often run counter to a varying wind direction - resulting in mooring ball to hull contact. If this is the case in your situation, perhaps a solution would be to increase windage by flying a staysail from the backstay.
Mooring and Anchoring Etiquette - SailNet Community
2006年3月7日 · Once you have done this on a regular basis, you will understand why this is inappropriate mooring etiquette. We have always kept our boats in a marina slip, but were recently granted a mooring certificate after being on the waiting list for 6 years. The mooring is located in a very sheltered cove within a local island nature preserve.
Mooring Ball Must Haves - SailNet Community
2023年10月26日 · I like the mooring balls that have the chain pass through the ball to the top. Then the mooring lines are connected to the chain at the top of the ball. I have had another ball that has the mooring pendants attach under the ball. If the lines sink, they are very difficult to get back. I feel more comfortable leaving the boat with two pendants.
picking up a mooring single handed | SailNet Community
2007年4月10日 · I do what Sailingdog does when singlehanded--just back up to the mooring ball and grab the mooring line. Secure this to a line you've already run forward around one side of the stern. Then calmly walk up the deck while letting the …
Mooring ball heads up!! - SailNet Community
2008年6月12日 · #1 The mooring ball sits too high in the water due to either a light top chain or too big a ball for the weight of the chain and it makes it easy for the pendant to get "under" the "equator" of the ball and then when the boat yanks the pendant it shoots straight down under the ball instead of up and over it.
Mooring ball slap damaging my awlgrip topside - SailNet …
2014年5月15日 · Attached to the thick rope is a lighter line to the mooring ball. On my mooring ball I have a longer line tied to the ring on top. When I moor, I tie the boat up to the thick line, then I simply lift the ball out of the water with the line and tie it to the bowsprit. It keeps the ball suspended out of the water and doesn't bang into the hull.