Comprehensive step-by-step for getting and installing mods
2023年5月12日 · Sorry if this is a repeat of previous posts on this topic. I recently did some research about installing mods in general, and then with the help of others in this forum, figured out how to get Conan mods from the Steam workshop for a non-Steam install. For the benefit of those in my Discord channel, I collated the instructions into a comprehensive solution that can …
Mod Devkit Patch Notes - PC Patch Notes - Funcom Forums
2022年8月19日 · Current Version: Age of Heroes Chapter 1 “Hotfix” 2 (28 January 2025) This update of the Mod Dev Kit is to provide a version that matches the upcoming Age Of Heroes Chapter 1 Hotfix 2 release. While this is a hotfix update, some core classes/Blueprints were changed, so most mods will need a re-cook. Changelog: asset_changes_1077374.42944 …
Where is the DevKit? - Players Helping Players - Funcom Forums
2019年3月17日 · Where would i download the devkit? I tried on the epic games launcher and it is “Unavailable” Any help would be appreciated!
The 2.2 Devkit update is now available! - Funcom Forums
2020年12月14日 · The 2.2 Devkit update is now available. HOWEVER! The 2.2 Update is still a work in progress build, but includes a few new big changes. We wanted to let you have a look at it and see how these new changes can benefit your current or future mods, and we wanted it available for you to test before the Christmas break. So we found a good compromise. Starting …
[BUG] Modkit crashes when spawning deity-aligned harvesting item
2018年5月26日 · Game mode: [Modkit] Problem: [Crash | Bug] Region: [Here] To fix this issue, go into your file explorer and navigate to your saved folder (on Windows OS, it should be): C:\\Users_YourUserName_\\AppData\\Local\\ConanSandbox\\Saved and delete all the files (saved game files). This should allow you to open the modkit back up again without it crashing …
Mod Devkit Feedback - Funcom Forums
2023年3月21日 · Pretty simple here but why on earth is the devkit more than twice the size of the PC version of the game? at present, the Steam copy of the game is 90.76GB The devkit; 226GB. for contrast, the mod devkit for Skyrim is only 81MB I honestly just wanted to make a really simple small patch mod to make things easier on me in Singleplayer. why is there such and absurd …
I have 256 gb laptop ... Is it possible to download ... - Funcom …
2021年12月10日 · It is absolutely possible and understandable since the game is over 100GB. If I were in this situation then I would hook up my external SSD to the laptop and then download the game directly to that external SSD. no need to download it to your main drive and then move it.
What was in The Patch Today? (July 9) - Funcom Forums
2024年7月9日 · We also updated the modkit to the current version. Here is the list of changes: Features - DBNO (Down But Not Out) Revive window prompt is displayed when follower is revived from a distance. Bleedout now shows the correct value.
Never modded before, advice how to get started?
2021年2月11日 · So I’ll try to be very specific here what I want to do, not some vague “plz help how make modss”. My interest in modding came from seeing some of the best and most popular ones on the Steam Workshop being abandonded, mods that I would have liked to use. So, I felt perhaps I could take a shot making some simple ones and contribute to the workshop. My …
Latest Public Beta Client topics - Funcom Forums
2018年11月22日 · Dear Exiles, Public Beta Client (formally known as Testlive) is a version of the game where we and you, the community, can stress test upcoming game patches before they’re rolled out to the main, live version of the gam…