MN Management and Budget / Minnesota Management and …
2024-2025 Enacted Biennial Budget. Each odd-numbered year the Governor proposes, and the Legislature enacts, a two-year operating budget, often called the biennial budget.
Taxpayer Receipt
Enter the total income in calendar year 2022 that you and everyone in your household that you file taxes with received. We will use this to estimate your taxes paid to the State of Minnesota.
MN StoryCollective / MN Story Collective
EVERYONE HAS A VOICE AND A STORY. MN StoryCollective is a way for you to share your experiences, generate ideas for change, and help support the state’s many communities.
Payroll / Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB)
This is the main landing page for the Payroll section of the main MMB website. It contains information and data related to Minnesota State Payroll, SEMA4, SWIFT, financial polies, and reports.
State Policies and Procedures / Minnesota Management and …
MN.IT (Office of Enterprise Technology) Through an established governance process, the State Chief Information Officer sets specific state IT policies, standards and policy directives.
2 12/2019 . Q. Will my password ever expire? A. Yes, passwords expire after 60 days. If it has been 60 days or less and you receive a message that your
4. To exit. Select the [SIGN OUT] option under the Actions List or chose the [SIGN OUT] link.
My Personal Information in Self Service 6 Addresses Select About Me > My Contact Information > Addresses, then review your home address for accuracy.If changes are needed, follow the steps below. To view or change a home address On the Addresses page, select your current address.
Enterprise Talent Development (ETD) / State of Minnesota
Invest In Yourself And Your Future Whether it’s building leadership skills, developing capabilities, strengthening team collaboration, or planning your retirement, we offer courses and information to help.
Memo . Date: January 5, 2024 To: Agency Payroll and Human Resources Staff From: Mary Muellner, Director, Statewide Payroll Services RE: 2023 W-2 Forms Are Available in Self Service . Please notify employees that the 2023 electronic W-2 forms are available.