Miss / Mr / Mrs / Ms - WordReference Forums
2008年6月17日 · Miss _____ has virtually disappeared as the older generation comfortable with this form of address has disappeared from the workplace. (Until two years ago I had one colleague in her 70s who always answered her phone "Miss Hughes speaking"--she was the last holdout and then she retired! I know no one else whom I would seriously address as "Miss X")
Plural forms of Mr., Miss., and Mrs. | WordReference Forums
2011年1月21日 · Plural of Miss is Misses, usually written and pronounced as "the Misses." Don't know if there is a plural for Mrs. other than "Mésdames," pronounced "may-dahm." They are all infrequently encountered and generally sound awkward except to people who deal with such address forms regularly for social or scholarly reasons.
Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs next to the name below the signature
2011年2月26日 · For example, if one is named Robin, Leslie, or any of the other names that can belong to either men or women, one might add (Mr.) after one's name so that the recipient can write to "Mr. Robin Smith" rather than "Ms., Miss, or Mrs. Robin Smith" as the case may be. The same would apply if one has a name that is generally used for the other sex.
"Sir", "Ma'am", "Mr.", "Miss" --- Capitalization?
2016年8月8日 · You are damn right Sir/Ma'am/Mr. Nikhel/Miss Ankita I like your idea very much Sir/Ma'am/Mr. Nikhel/Miss Ankita. I am asking this because I have seen many people not capitalize "Sir", "Ma'am" in the above phrase/sentences.
Addressed as Mr. and Miss by teachers? - WordReference Forums
2005年12月29日 · In Taiwan, teachers always call students by their first name or first name + familiy name. We are never called Mr. X or Miss Y by teachers. But, in English and American movies, students are addressed as Mr.X or Miss Y by teachers although they may only be kids. So, I want to know since when you have been addressed as Mr.X or Miss Y.
Mr or Mrs in front of a first name | WordReference Forums
2007年3月16日 · In the United States, we used to use Ms., Miss, Mr. and Mrs. exclusively in front of family names only. This has been changing. Depending on the policies of the school or organization, you may hear: Mr. Bob Dr. Bob Miss Nancy Professor Bob Miss C. Oddly, I've yet to hear Mrs. or Ms. version used before a woman's given name or initial.
Mrs/Ms/Mr + family name / given name - WordReference Forums
2014年9月6日 · The Swedish titles Herr (Mr.), Fru (Mrs.), Fröken (Miss) or Fr. (short for Fru and Fröken) are very seldom used today. The only times I've seen them is when there have been copies of guest lists printed in the papers for some royal events or the Nobel Prize ceremonies or other similar official events, and even then if the person who is ...
Sir, Mr., Miss, Ma'am | WordReference Forums
2007年6月26日 · At the moment, I can't think of a good equivalent of "Miss" for someone who is approximately the same age as or younger than the speaker.---To summarize (for Palestinian Arabic): Mr. (can be said to anyone): أستاذ - ustaaz Mr. (only to someone who's significantly older): عمو - 3ammo Mrs. (can be said to anyone): مادام - madaam
Miss / Mrs. / Ms. - WordReference Forums
The pronunciations and definitions of Mrs. and Ms, according to Webster's dictionary are as follows: Mrs. or Mrs, pronounded "mis'iz", is usually the title used by a marriied woman, or one who was once married (widowed or divorced).
the titles mister / miss applied to boys / girls
2014年9月27日 · But there is a local school where kindergarten pupils up to high school students are called using the titles mister or miss and their last names. As far as I know, the titles Mr and Miss are normally applied to adults and sometimes, young people; and I find it strange that these are applied to boys and girls, except in some situations.