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Misaki (name) - Wikipedia
Misaki (みさき, ミサキ) is a popular [1] feminine Japanese given name occasionally used for men. It can also be used as a surname. Misaki can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: The given name can also be written in hiragana or katakana. Misaki Ayuzawa, the main character of the anime/manga Maid Sama!
Misaki - Wikipedia
Misaki (Japanese: 御先, "misaki") are a collective term for spirit-like existences in Japan like gods, demons and spirits, among other supernatural entities. Their name comes from a kannushi 's vanguard.
Misaki Gamer - YouTube
¡VIDEOS DE ROBLOX! Suscribete y te enseñaré a ser un Campeón de verdad ⚽️🏆Solo soy un Creador de Contenido que le encanta crear Historias en su videojuego favorito de la infan...
Misaki | Killer Chat Wiki | Fandom
Misaki is one of the 4 possible love interests in "Killer Chat!". They are mentioned for the first time while Angel is giving you a tour through the server. Misaki is seen to be playful towards the player and everyone else in the server.
Misaki Sewing - YouTube
Hello! I'm Misaki 🇻🇳 I'm from Vietnam. I make sewing tutorials, share creative ideas and free patterns.
Misaki Colored Lens
MISAKI is the top leading cosmetic color contact lenses brand, offering a wide variety of collection that suits all background, skin tone, eye colors. Used and recognized as an iconic fashion for thousands of Instagram Influencers , Youtube stars, and celebrities worldwide.
Misaki | Terminator Wiki | Fandom
Misaki is first introduced as a soft-hearted, tender teenage girl who works as a housekeeper and doesn't know anything about herself or where she came from. However, she sometimes seems to have flashbacks and feels an aversion to blood.
All Pearls - Misaki Monaco
They’re everywhere – on necklaces, sautoirs, pendants, bracelets, earrings and rings. Pearls have been reinvented for a modern look and really set the tone. This range of exclusive pearl designs from the Misaki Monaco design studio highlights the …
见崎鸣 - 百度百科
见崎鸣,悬疑推理小说《替身》及其衍生作品中的女主角,原姓“藤冈”。 4岁时左眼中长了恶性肿瘤,后摘除了左眼。 现在的左眼是母亲做的“玩偶之眼”,平时绑有眼罩,并可以看到正常人看不见的东西。 原姓“藤冈”。 在出生时因为父母家经济能力的原因,在加上母亲的姐妹 雾果 失去了孩子 [2] 以及生育能力,为抚平姐妹的悲伤,大约2岁的时候,被理所当然地送到了见崎家。 [3] 藏青 …