Minecraft Snapshot 22w14a
2022年4月6日 · Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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Minecraft Preview
Wind Charges now use the minecraft:explode component instead of minecraft:wind_burst. Expanded minecraft:explode with the following new fields: damage_scaling : A scale factor applied to the explosion's damage to entities.
Minecraft Snapshot 25w08a
2025年2月19日 · Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in …
More Minecraft game drop features
2025年1月29日 · Our first Minecraft game drop of 2025 is edging closer, and you know what that means – more features going into testing!
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Try Minecraft games for free! Get a free trial of Minecraft for devices and consoles like Windows, Mac, Linux, Windows 10, PlayStation, Vita and Android.
Minecraft Snapshot 22w46a
2022年11月16日 · We are now releasing snapshot 22w46a for Minecraft 1.19.3 with playable mob sounds added as an experimental feature, changes to the spawning of Nether mobs, improvements for telemetry data and several technical improvements.
Minecraft Preview
2024年3月14日 · To help new players learn the basics of Minecraft we’re adding more game tips. Now you can get hints for jumping, flying, sneaking, and how to use and place a Crafting Table; We’ve also added a hint on how to open your inventory if you’re on a touch device; Gameplay. Fixed occasional double placement of blocks when bridging ...
Minecraft 공식 사이트에 오신 것을 환영합니다 | Minecraft
Minecraft 공식 사이트에서 새로운 게임 어드벤처, 액세서리와 굿즈를 살펴보세요. 이곳에서 게임을 구매하여 다운로드하거나 사이트에서 최신 소식을 확인해 보세요.
Minecraft Java Edition 1.21.2
Minecraft 1.21.2. Skip to Main Content Games. Back Games. Minecraft. Games Minecraft. Minecraft. Explore your own unique world, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Marketplace. Keep your gameplay endlessly inventive and fun. ...