Milorganite : r/lawncare - Reddit
2022年5月28日 · For Milorganite fertilizer, local conditions that contribute to the production of our product favor low concentrations. In fact, PFAS sampling for Maine, concentrations for two of the three analyzed compounds were below the level of detection and the third was slightly above the level of detection, confirming minimal PFAS risk.
Milorganite Question : r/lawncare - Reddit
2023年4月26日 · Milorganite is okay. It is 6-4-0, which means it has no K (lawns often need a small amount of top up) and too much P (lawns need none unless there is a deficiency, and it pollutes).
Milorganite is awesome : r/lawncare - Reddit
2019年4月22日 · Milorganite isn't a better fertilizer. People like it because it makes lawns green due to the iron content. If you take a minute to understand Milo's composition versus say LESCO you'll see that Milo gives a lot more iron than Lesco. Milo claims its guaranteed analysis is 2.5% iron, while Lesco is 3%.
Milorganite & new seed : r/lawncare - Reddit
2020年5月19日 · Milorganite makes a great smoothy ingredient but the words starter fertilizer appear nowhere on the bag. Starter fertilizer should be spread AT SEEDING, but since its new, a quick and careful pass with starter fertilizer isn't too terrible.
What is everyone going to use instead of milorganite? : r/lawncare …
Milorganite prices have gotten out of hand in my area ($18 for a 32 lb bag). This year I stocked up on organic fertilizer from Menards. It’s 4-3-0 instead of the usual 6-4-0, but other than that it’s very similar to milorganite. It comes in a 36 pound bag and …
Milorganite or generic fertilizer (Bermuda grass, 8a) : r/lawncare
2017年10月4日 · They sent me the analysis and recommended applying fertilizer next season. They suggested I choose any of the following: 27-0-12, 27-0-2, 29-0-5, 30-0-12, 32-0-10. I've been seeing a lot of people on Reddit talk about using Milorganite and having great success in boosting color and thickness.
Can I add Milorganite to my newly laid sod? : r/lawncare - Reddit
2020年11月13日 · Exactly it has no P in a fertilizer for northern lawns... like fescue. There is no grass that thrives on P, not even fescue (and phosphorus is terrible for fine fescues). It only is recommended in starters, even for fescues, to promote root establishment. Milorganite is 6-4-0, which is very high in Phosphorus in proportion to nitrogen.
Anyone have alternatives to Milorganite that are also organic
2023年3月15日 · I switched from Milorganite to Purely Organic Lawn Food a couple of years ago, and have been very pleased with the results. I can get a 25lb bag at Home Depot for around $20, which is comparable to Milo.
Milorganite When and how often : r/lawncare - Reddit
2020年1月28日 · For those not familiar, the "Holiday Schedule" that Milorganite recommends consists of four applications of 14.4 pounds of fertilizer per thousand square feet of turf on Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving. As Milorganite is a 6% fertilizer, that means each application consists of just shy of .9 pounds of nitrogen.
What’s your opinion on Milorganite for late fall fertilizer?
You dont want to use milorganite since you have ample phosphorus and there are better ways to get N and K. Purely Organic is sold by Home Depot and hits almost immediately. It's 10-0-0 and all plant based. There are other biosolid brands that dont have P …