million, billion, trillion... then what? - Sciforums
2002年8月14日 · - million = one thousand times one thousand. - milliard = one thousand times one million. - billion = one million times one million. However, since US terms have flooded the globe in the last 50 years or so, everyone instead uses "billion" now in place of "milliard".
The best visual description of the size of one billion?
2008年3月27日 · c.. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the StoneAge. d.. A billion days ago no-one walked on two feet on earth. e.. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government spends it. Too abstract. I need something tangible. The most recent example I have heard, and one I can almost grasp is the following:
How would you improve our economy system? | Page 5 - Sciforums
2024年8月5日 · Trump added $8 Trillion to debt, a whopping 32% in just four years because of his tax cut to the wealthy. He will do another cut for the wealthy when he gets in and his billionaire buddies will reap the benefits and everyone else will pay for it.
Wife divorcing ex-CEO: $43 million not enough
within 18 mths. She was sleeping with the town vet. It's better than a Tennessee Williams play. It's just funny... Not in a haha way, though. If it were a movie, it'd be more Fellini than Woody Allen. :D Not in every state. In Wisconsin, it's half of your assets no matter when you...
Red Cold Loving Bacteria For Mars | Page 2 - Page 2 | Sciforums
2021年9月10日 · "What it looks like is that oxygen was first produced somewhere around 2.7 billion to 2.8 billon years ago. It took up residence in atmosphere around 2.45 billion years ago," says geochemist Dick Holland, a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.
Key to the Kaaba sells for 18 million dollars! | Sciforums
2008年4月22日 · Please Register or Log in to view the hidden image!. Please Register or Log in to view the hidden image!. A 12 century key to the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest site in Islam, has sold for 9.2 million pounds (18.2 million dollars), setting a new record for an Islamic work of art at auction.
Vectors and Tensors in Economics? - Sciforums
2006年3月8日 · My CFA, MBA daughter managed 4+ billion dollars of Delta's pension fund* until about 5 years ago (Now she manages private accounts with assets over 5 million for individuals.) She has taught CFA couses etc and get many financial journals, which I look at when visiting. Lots about "risk allocation models" etc for pension, mutual fund mangers.
What does "99% of the world's wealth is owned by 1% of
2011年11月15日 · Seeing as how the world's population is 7 billion, 1% of it is 70 million. Obviously, "they" did not gather data on the personal wealth of the world's 7 billion people, and not even on the richest 70 million people, but most likely, they collected and analyzed statistical data, found a pattern, and using a statistical method, gave the estimate ...
How Long Before Superintelligence? - Sciforums
2002年12月22日 · The new computer -- nicknamed "Blue Gene" by IBM researchers -- will be capable of more than one quadrillion operations per second (one petaflop). This level of performance will make Blue Gene 1,000 times more powerful than the Deep Blue machine that beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, and about 2 million times more powerful …
The Moon: What is it's purpose? | Page 2 | Sciforums
2009年1月23日 · The moon was part of Earth once. If it was never there (no impact to separate it from Earth) than Earth would be much more massive...which would mean that its orbit around the sun might have been different (meaning no life...if it is beyond a habitable zone)