MilkyTracker | News
Today (just in time before Xmas), we’re releasing a new version of milkytracker: version 1.05 ♥ This release [The MilkySynth edition] is a big one. It’ll be good news for serious jungle-music producers (and producers with DAW-fatique in general). Not only did milkytracker receive a cleaner interface..
Downloads - MilkyTracker
Often requested, here are sounds, samples and instruments for use in MilkyTracker. Milkypacks (exportable to .XI, and transferrable within milkytracker): milkypack01.xm pack with synths [mostly generated by milkysynth]
Documentation - MilkyTracker
Wiki MilkyTracker guide; By example. Prophet/Juno Arp-like synths in milkytracker; Cheatsheets. Quick reference printouts (.PDF) and how to use them. MilkyTracker edit mode on OS X; MilkyTracker edit mode on Windows & SDL; Fasttracker II edit mode OS X; Fasttracker II edit mode Windows & SDL; A colourful command reference produced by Sahemera ...
About - MilkyTracker
MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes …
Screenshots - MilkyTracker
Here’s what MilkyTracker and its different views look like on portable platforms:
MilkyTracker Manual v1.05.1
MilkyTracker Manual v1.05.1 Hello and welcome to MilkyTracker, an all-in-one Tracker musicstudio. It's open source, multi-platform and inspired by and compatible with Fasttracker II.
News - MilkyTracker
I am pleased to announce the latest release of MilkyTracker - version 1.03. Since the previous release, we have added a few more features, usability improvements and of course bugfixes - see the ChangeLog for details. The latest Windows & MacOS binaries are …
MilkyTracker | Version 1.05
2024年11月25日 · Today (just in time before Xmas), we’re releasing a new version of milkytracker: version 1.05 ♥ This release [The MilkySynth edition] is a big one. It’ll be good news for serious jungle-music producers (and producers with DAW-fatique in general).
MilkyTracker | Samples and instruments available on the download …
2012年4月7日 · Samples and instruments available on the download page. Yeah, I left some links to The Mod Archive sample torrents over there.Hi.-raina
ChangeLog - MilkyTracker
2005年4月25日 · Due to request MilkyTracker now features a FT2 compatibility mode. You can switch between MilkyTracker (modern ;)) and FT2 edit modes in the config screen. (See MilkyTracker manual for details.)