MIL-53 - Wikipedia
The MIL-53 structure consists of inorganic [M-OH] chains, which are connected to four neighboring inorganic chains by therephthalate-based linker molecules. Each metal center is octahedrally coordinated by six oxygen atoms.
MIL-53 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MIL-53是一种金属有机框架材料,名称中字母缩写MIL为Matériaux de l′Institut Lavoisier,它由圣康丁昂伊夫利纳-凡尔赛大学拉瓦锡研究所的Gérard Férey组所合成。
Review on synthesis and application of MIL-53 - ScienceDirect
2021年1月1日 · MIL-53 is a metal organic framework (MOF) belonging to the MIL (Material Institute Lavoisier) group. It is a 3-D framework, built up by the combination of metal salt (Al, Fe, Cr) and linker (terephthalic acid). It is well known for its …
MIL-53 (Al):可以“呼吸”的金属有机框架(MOF)-百灵威
2021年1月27日 · 在数百种不同MOF中,对苯二甲酸铝,即大家熟知的MIL-53(Al) MOF(13-3050),是常研究的有机-无机杂化材料之一。这种材料由来自Lavoisier Institute of Versailles University(法国)的Gérard Férey教授合成。
Unraveling the molecular mechanism of MIL-53(Al) crystallization
2022年6月29日 · The present work introduces a detailed molecular-level mechanism of the formation of MIL-53(Al), unraveled by combining in situ time-resolved high-resolution mass-spectrometry, magic angle ...
MIL-53的合成和表征及储氢性能研究 - 豆丁网
实验结果表明,有机金属骨架MIL-53系列独特的骨架呼吸特性使其具有良好的储氢. 性能,且具有较高比表面积、孔容及孔径的MIL-53(Al)在储氢性能方面具有更好的表现。 关键词: MIL-53; 合成; 表征; 呼吸特性; 储氢性能
Quasi Fe MIL-53 nanozyme inducing ferroptosis and …
2025年3月7日 · Q-MIL-53(Fe), MIL-53(Fe)-400, and MIL-53(Fe)-500 were prepared in traditional pyrolysis in a tube furnace under N 2 atmosphere at 350, 400, or 500 °C for 1 h with a ramp rate of 3 °C min −1 ...
一种金属有机骨架材料MIL-53(Al)的合成方法 - 百度文库
本发明采用的金属有机骨架材料mil-53(al)的合成方法,以水不溶性氢氧化铝为铝源,合成过程中加入一定比例的酸助剂,在降低反应温度的情况下保持较高的产率,水热条件下,酸助剂与氢氧化铝作用,提高了氢氧化铝在反应体系中的溶解性,提高了铝源的反应 ...
Metal‐Organic Framework MIL‐53(Fe): Synthesis, Electrochemical ...
MIL-53(Fe) (MIL: Materials of Institute Lavoisier), a class of MOFs generated by a combination between iron(III) cations and 1,4-dicarboxylic acid, consists of three-dimensional networks or secondary building units which contain FeO 6 hexagonal chains and dicarboxylate anions .
MIL‐53 and its Isoreticular Analogues: a Review of the Chemistry …
2018年9月3日 · We present a review of the structural chemistry of metal-organic framework materials with the MIL-53 type structure. This family of materials is well-known for its structural flexibility, and also the wide variety of metal cations and functional ligands that can be included.