Mil Mi-2 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-2 (NATO reporting name Hoplite) is a small, three rotor blade Soviet-designed multi-purpose helicopter developed by the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, designed in the early 1960s and produced exclusively by WSK "PZL-Świdnik" in Poland. Nearly 5,500 were made by the time production stopped in 1999, and it remains in service globally.
Mi-2直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-2是輕型多用途直升機,可作噴灑農藥、運輸貨物、救護,以至加掛火箭彈或SA-7反坦克飛彈,作為武裝直升機。 Mi-2在蘇聯米爾設計局生產了原型機後就授權波蘭生產。
Mil Mi-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mil Mi-2 (NATO reporting name Hoplite) is a small, lightly armored turbine-powered transport helicopter that could also provide close air support when armed with 57 mm rockets and a 23 mm cannon. The Mi-2 was produced exclusively in Poland, in the WSK "PZL-Świdnik" factory in …
Mi-2直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-2是轻型多用途直升机,可作喷洒农药、运输货物、救护,以至加挂火箭弹或SA-7反坦克导弹,作为武装直升机。 Mi-2在苏联米尔设计局生产了原型机后就授权波兰生产。
Mil Mi-2 - Ultra Defense Corp
The Mil Mi-2 is a small, lightly armored, turbine-powered transport helicopter with close air support capabilities when armed with 57mm rockets and 23mm cannons. Its NATO reporting name is “Hoplite.” This helicopter was produced exclusively in Poland at the WSK PZL-Świdnik factory and designed by the Mil Design Bureau of the Soviet Union.
Mil Mi-2 (Hoplite) Light Utility / Training Helicopter - Military Factory
Nov 14, 2021 · The Mi-2US was an armed version sporting a 23mm NS-23 automatic cannon in a fixed, forward-firing mount. it also carried up to 4 x 7.62mm PKT machine guns and could install another PK machine gun at the cabin door.
Mil Mi-2 helicopter - development history, photos, technical data
The Mil Mi-2, which has the NATO reporting name Hoplite, was first announced in the autumn of 1961, and is essentially the Mi-1 updated in the light of operating experience with the Mi-6. The Mi-2 thus has very distinct similarities to the Mi-1 in size and structure, but uses a twin-turboshaft powerplant giving the type about 2 1/2 times the Mi ...
米-2直升机:曾是苏联和波兰兄弟友谊的结晶,如今落户中国获重 …
Jan 27, 2020 · 米-2直升机的起飞功率为2x400马力,螺旋桨直径17.42米。 机身长12米,宽1.54米,机高为3.75m,最大起飞重量为3700千克,可运载8人,最大时速210公里,巡航时速190公里,悬停高度(有地效)2000米/(无地效)1000米,实用升限4000米,航程340千米。 在20世纪70年代,米-2直升机还进行了现代化改造,现代化改进型米-2直升机上装有功率较大的发动机,单台功率为331干瓦 (450轴马力)。 从1965年开始,波兰生产的米-2直升机积极对外出口,畅销 …
Mil Mi-2US: The Polish Utility Gunship - Heli - Official Forum
Jul 28, 2023 · Mi-2US: The basic gunship upon which all the rest are based. Main gun is a 23mm NS-23 in a forward fixed mount, with four 7.62mm PKT being used as secondary weapons on outboard pylons, two per side. A pair of 7.62mm PK or RPK-47 machine guns mounted in the doors for manually guided operation are optional.
Mi-2US Hoplite gunship variant, HobbyBoss 87242 (2011)
HobbyBoss model kit in scale 1:72, 87242 is a rebox released in 2011 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Mil Mi-2 Hoplite | EAN: 6939319272423