Mil Mi-28 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Soviet all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter. It is an attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, and is better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role.
Mi-28攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mil Mi-40是Mi-28的預計實用型,最初於1983年發布,於1992年宣布,並於1993年在莫斯科航展上展出。 它主要是作為“空中步兵戰斗車”類別的繼任者Mil Mi-24和Mi-8突擊直升機。
米-28武装直升机(俄文:Ми-28 Yдарный Bертолёт,英文:Mi-28,北约代号:Havoc,译文:浩劫),是 苏联 一型单旋翼带尾桨纵列双座全天候专用 武装直升机。 [1] 米-28武装直升机使用了大量先进技术,成为了苏军第一种专用武装直升机,可直接用安-22和伊尔-76运输机运输到指定作战地区, [2] 它的结构布局、作战特点都与西方流行的设计,尤其与AH-64相似,因此被西方戏称为“阿帕奇斯基”。 米-28武装直升机由 苏联 米里设计局 研制,1980年开始设计,米尔-莫斯 …
Mi-28攻击直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-28, 北约代号 “浩劫”(Havoc)。 是米尔设计局研发的纵列双座攻击直升机。 虽然自问世以来,综合性能受到 俄军 的高度肯定,然而 苏联解体 之后的俄军在过去的10年间缺乏足够的采购经费,因此无法大量购买这种攻击直升机。
Mi-28A | War Thunder Wiki
The Mi-28A was introduced in Update "Wind of Change". Based on the early production Mi-28A that was trialed by the Swedish army during the 1990s, its loadouts and gunnery equipment are somewhat limited in comparison to the later Mi-28N and Mi-28NM, but it …
Mil Mi-28A/N Havoc - Army Recognition
Dec 9, 2024 · The Mil Mi-28A/N (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Russian all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter designed and produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. It is a dedicated attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role.
直升机科普:米28 - 哔哩哔哩
Apr 3, 2023 · Mil Mi-40是米-28的预计实用型,最初于1983年发布,于1992年宣布,并于1993年在莫斯科航展上展出。 它主要是作为“空中步兵战斗车”类别的继任者Mil Mi-24和Mi-8突击直升机。
Mi-28A/N Havoc Attack Helicopter - Army Technology
Jun 11, 2000 · A new design of all plastic rotor blades, which can sustain hits from 30mm shells, has been installed on the Night Havoc Mi-28N helicopter. The helicopter has non-retractable tricycle tail-wheel type landing gear.
Mi-28 HAVOC (MIL) - GlobalSecurity.org
With exception of its "junior brother" of the training- sport Mi-34, the combat Mi-28A is the only helicopter in Russia, capable of carrying out the figures of the aerobatics. On May 6, 1993....
Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) Dedicated Twin-Seat, Twin-Engine Attack …
Oct 3, 2023 · Base armament of the helicopter is a powered underslung 30mm Shipunov 2A42 Autocannon in a chin mounting while wingstubs provide four hardpoints for anti-tank missiles, rocket pods and gunpods as required. The Havoc can, …