ForeverSpin™ World Famous Metal Spinning Tops
ForeverSpin spinning tops are perfectly balanced and you wouldn’t believe how a table that isn’t level can impact your spin! Secondly, you can change the surface that you spin on itself. A top will spin on glass longer than on wood and on our spinning base even longer than on glass!
Products – Foreverspin.com
The complete world-class MetalMuseum™ collection with all 25 Tops, 4 Docks (2 Stainless,1 Black, 1 24kt Gold Plated) and 1 Spinning Base. A prestigious gift, timeless and educational collection to indulge in the incredibly diverse selection of metals.
Titanium – Foreverspin.com
Solid Titanium Metal Spinning Top, very similar to the very famous spinning top featured in the blockbuster Inception!
Tungsten – Foreverspin.com
Solid Tungsten Metal Spinning Top - The Most Expensive Top of the ForeverSpin Collection Due to the incredible value of Tungsten and its low machinability
Full MetalMuseum Collection – Foreverspin.com
The complete world-class MetalMuseum™ collection with all 25 Tops, 4 Docks (2 Stainless,1 Black, 1 24kt Gold Plated) and 1 Spinning Base. A prestigious gift, timeless and educational collection to indulge in the incredibly diverse selection of metals.
Copper – Foreverspin.com
Every spinning top that leaves our hands to become part of your life — and we mean every single one — is built on the same belief. That a top is more than just a toy. That above all, a top must be absolutely simple, elegant and designed forever.
Stainless Steel – Foreverspin.com
Solid Stainless Steel Spinning Top, the most similar to the famous top featured in Inception!
Mini Metal Museum – Foreverspin.com
The ForeverSpin starter pack includes a collection of 5 Tops and 1 Dock - the Aluminium, Copper, Stainless Steel, Titanium and 24kt Gold Mirror Tops with a S.S ForeverDock make for an amazing variety of weights and colours.
Metal Museum – Foreverspin.com
Our 10-top and 2-dock MetalMuseum collection is world-famous! Get all the contents of the Mini MetalMuseum + plus 5 additional tops: Magnesium, Brass, CarbonChromium, Cast Iron, Titanium Blue and a 24kt Gold Plated ForeverDock!
Titanium Founder's Edition – Foreverspin.com
Solid Titanium Metal Spinning Top, very similar to the very famous spinning top featured in the blockbuster Inception!