Chop saw versus miter saw with metal blade - Miller Welding …
2006年3月5日 · blade speed is usualy different, and more importantly is the clamping of the work on the miter saws. as for a wood vs metal band saw the metal band saw would work fine on wood, most have vareable speed and you can always change the blades out if needed. a hack saw will cut wood just not as fast as the wood saw will. so if you want a saw to do bolth wood and …
chop saw VS band saw - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2004年6月4日 · For a home shop I think the stationary band saw would be best followed by the chop saw. You can get by with $200-400 for a 4"x6" stationary horizontal saw and a good chop saw runs $180-250 depending on the make and model.
setting 45 degrees on metal chop saws? - Miller Welding …
2008年1月29日 · Here's a Chop Saw Plans I bought off of Ebay and found out after the fact that they are on the net for free. Here's some pictures of The one I built. It piviots the Whole base so you don't have to turn the whole piece of steel. Look at the saw I have its a cold chop saw blade doesn't give when I've cut angels.
Chop Saw For Cutting Tubing? - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2005年7月8日 · there is also a fair amount of cleanup needed after the chop saw and you will not get an acurate cut,because the blade will flex out as it cuts. it is close enough a 4 1/2" grinder with a sanding disk will get you there. the chop saws that use the steel blades are better but still loud and throwing chips of steel every where. the band saw will be the slower of the 3 but it will be …
Dry cut-off blade to replace abrasive wheel
The metal-cutting blades run at a much lower rpm (like 1200-1500), and will overheat and lose their edge in a matter of a few cuts. I tried using a speed adjuster to bring the RPMs down, but that reduced the torque of the saw and the blade kept stopping.
Need a speed control to reduce my chopsaw speed.
2008年3月9日 · You WILL (not may) burn up a perfectly good chop saw. Porter Cable, Milwaukee, Makita, etc all make cold cut saws designed to operate at the speeds dictated by carbide blades. I understand that Evolution (looks like a Porter Cable) also makes a 14" cold cut saw which Sears sells for in the $270 range. If it is indeed, a rebadged PC, it is a ...
Chop saw vs. Cold saw - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2009年11月10日 · If you want to cut accurate 45's in both directions, you need a miter saw. The abrasive chop saws and dry cut chop saws only cut 45's in one direction and not all that accurately either. Evolution Rage 3 metal cutting compound slide 10" dry cut miter saw is what I use for cutting accurate miters. For basic 90 cuts, I just use the abrasive chop saw.
Chop Saw VS Dry Cut Saw - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
My chop saw mostly sits in the corner as the band saw get most of the work, but the chop saw is handy for outside quick and dirty work. Regards, George Hobart Handler 210 w/DP3035 - Great 240V small Mig
Chop Saw Recommendations/Reviews??? - Miller Welding …
2007年1月27日 · My vote. Skipchop saws all together. If you need it cut & welded a chop saw is not the way to go. Buy a bandsaw. The cuts are quicker, easier, and infinately more accurate. Oddly, to quote myself an hour ago on a car fourm where this question of 14" chop saw VS 4*6 bandsaw was asked in building exhaust manifolds / exhaust setups on a car:
Chop saw sparks.... ? - Miller Welding Discussion Forums
2006年10月6日 · When I worked in Az. we always used our chop saw out side. The fab shop next door to us had a nice set up where they bolted a rack to the cinder block wall and had a trough in it for the chop saw. They would take the saw inside when not useing it, and when the saw was in the rack out side, the rack served as an input and outfeed table.