Meld Visual diff and merge tool. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems. Meld helps …
What is Meld?
Meld is a tool for comparing files and directories, and for resolving differences between them. It is also useful for comparing changes captured by version control systems. Meld shows differences between two or three files (or two or three directories) and allows you to move content between them, or edit the files manually.
Command line usage - meldmerge.org
If you start Meld from the command line, you can tell it what to do when it starts. For a two- or three-way file comparison, start Meld with meld file1 file2 or meld file1 file2 file3 respectively. For a two- or three-way directory comparison, start Meld with meld dir1 dir2 or meld dir1 dir2 dir3.
Getting started comparing folders
Meld lets you compare two or three folders side-by-side. You can start a new folder comparison using the new comparison button on the toolbar, and clicking on the Directory Comparison tab.
Meld Help
What is Meld? Comparing Files. Getting started comparing files. Dealing with changes. Synchronization Points. Filtering out text. Comparing Folders. Getting started comparing folders. Filtering out files. Using Meld with Version Control. Viewing version-controlled files. Flattened view. Resolving merge conflicts.
Resolving merge conflicts
One of the best uses of Meld is to resolve conflicts that occur while merging different branches. For example, when using Git, git mergetool will start a 'merge helper'; Meld is one such helper. If you want to make git mergetool use Meld by default, you can add
Synchronization Points
Synchronization points help Meld perform a more fine-grained comparison between your files. When a synchronization point is added to each file, Meld effectively performs two comparisons: one for the chunk above the synchronization point and another for the one below.
Viewing version-controlled files
Meld integrates with many version control systems to let you review local changes and perform simple version control tasks. You can start a new version control comparison using the new comparison button on the toolbar, and clicking on the Version Control tab.
Getting started comparing files - meldmerge.org
Meld lets you compare two or three text files side-by-side. You can start a new file comparison using the new comparison button on the toolbar. Once you've selected your files, Meld will show them side-by-side. Differences between the files will …
Meld's preferences
Alternatively, you can add {file} and {line} elements to the command, in which case Meld will substitute the file path and current line number respectively (e.g., gedit {file}:{line}).