Medieval Caste System :: Going Medieval Feedback/Suggestions
Aug 10, 2021 · Barracks could be start to guards and castle to lord and knights. Caste system that is based room type could work all jobs also , like appertice smith,smith,master smith- appertice builder,builder,master builder and keep upper class peple happy they could demand more like better beds,food,rooms, and so on.
ranks of the medieval caste system, and where Chay falls within …
Mar 13, 2013 · *warning: if you do not like long bits of reading, please avoid this as it is, quite very long* So first, we must go over the 14 rungs of the ladder known as the medieval caste system. The bottom rung, in which the lowest members of society belong, consists of Serfs and Peasants, the latter being free peoples who work the land owned by someone else because they could …
India Caste System :: Crusader Kings II General Discussions
Apr 2, 2014 · for the record it isnt a bug and it is intended to be in the game. it was included so if you were the wrong caste you could change to the correct one. the wrong caste being either of the other ones and the correct one being that middle caste thats meant for fuedal rulers. your vassals arent going to be happy either way but at least you can make ...
Combat/military system :: Medieval Dynasty General Discussions
Sep 30, 2022 · It is a debate under discussion since the release of the game. But if it is so coveted it is that people want it. As many have been able to suggest, why not put a system that can be activated or deactivated for those who want this difficulty or not. In the ideas proposed, I had seen possible attacks by bandits, making weapons and armor to protect us, maybe …
Feedback for the Armor System :: Medieval Blacksmith General …
I find it odd that the Devs went with the materials they chose for Armor. I would think that they would of went by durability and weight. Like, Rai has Khanka in it, so it would be weaker Iron. Suvarna is Copper-Khanka, and Copper is less durable and more expensive than Iron. So it would be worse than Rai and cost more. And Tamra is known for being really light, but I suppose, …
Going Medieval - Steam Community :: Video
Steam Community: Going Medieval. Back for another look at amazing and inspiring player built castles and structures in Going Medieval. These settlements are all of different designs with some being sprawling map vide castles, while o
Who can explain the bandit system? :: Medieval Dynasty General …
Sep 16, 2021 · 1. Remake the bandit system. Bandits will attack the player's village. Players can form a small force to resist bandits. 2。 Delete the bandit system because it has no playability. And many are relieved to learn it won't be turned into a violent game. There is always 2 sides of a coin, you just can't satisfy everyone.
Who can explain the bandit system? :: Medieval Dynasty General …
Sep 16, 2021 · You know, you are not really building a medieval dynasty either, but you fantasise about it while clicking resource management numbers. Why don't you just relax and enjoy the game for what it is - a cosy, relaxing and beautiful village …
Who can explain the bandit system? :: Medieval Dynasty General …
Sep 16, 2021 · i think we were expecting a raiding system on your village. the interesting part would be to see how the villagers defend, children hide, and how you could build walls to funnel the raiders. maybe the raiders want to destroy homes as priority but you have limestone housing so they barely make a dent. Play Rimworld
Convert City to Castle Mod :: Total War: MEDIEVAL II - Definitive ...
Oct 28, 2019 · Hello. i'm currently making a mod that allows me to convert High leveled City into Castle, but i realize there is so many need to change because i'm making a new entry for the building, such as textures and building description and any other related files. the problem is i can't seem to find those related file anywhere. any help would be appreciated