Seed Dispersal: Definition, Methods, Examples, & Significance
2021年12月30日 · Seed dispersal is the adaptive mechanism in seed-bearing plants, involving the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant to ensure their germination. It is commonly known as the ‘scattering of seed.’
From passive to informed: mechanical mechanisms of seed dispersal
2019年8月12日 · Recently, studies of interactions between the dispersal unit and physical environment have uncovered fluid dynamic mechanisms of seed flight, protective measures against fire, and release mechanisms of explosive dispersers.
From everyday occurrences, such as the flight of a dandelion fruit or animals consuming seeds, to the extreme events of seed release after burning or explosive ejection, dispersal is a physical process in which seeds or fruits are moved from one location to another.
Seed Dispersal – Methods, Agents, Significance, Examples
2024年9月2日 · Additionally, some plants use mechanical means to eject seeds explosively, a method that disperses seeds over a considerable distance from the parent plant. The necessity of seed dispersal arises from the limitations that seeds …
Mechanisms of long-distance seed dispersal - ScienceDirect
2008年11月1日 · This model describes three main phases of vector-mediated dispersal: the initiation phase, in which the dispersal vector removes seeds from the mother plant; the transport phase, in which the vector moves seeds away from the source; and the termination phase, in which seeds are deposited.
Over the past century, various mechanistic models have been developed to estimate the magnitude of seed dispersal by wind, and to elucidate the relative importance of physical and biological factors affecting this passive transport process.
A simple mechanistic model of seed dispersal, predation and ...
2004年9月16日 · We introduce a simple mechanistic model showing that distance and density-dependent seed predation can generate all of the observed recruitment patterns. Our approach provides the first mathematical reconstruction of conceptual models previously considered to be based on contrasting underlying mechanisms.