微通道板 PMT (MCP-PMT) | 滨松光子学株式会社 - Hamamatsu
MCP-PMT 采用微通道板代替传统分离式倍增器电极。 这些设备提供低至皮秒级的宽带宽测量以及光子计数级的微弱测光。 提供门控类型。 7 正在加载…… 产品信息. 请联系我们获取更多信息。 MCP-PMT 提供低至皮秒级的宽带宽测量以及光子计数级的微弱测光。 提供门控类型。
Micro Channel plate PMT (MCP-PMT) Similar to ordinary PMT –dynode structure is replaced by MCP. Basic characteristics: - Gain ~ 106 →single photon - Collection efficiency ~ 60% - Small thickness, high field → small TTS - Works in magnetic field - Segmented anode → position sensitive MCP gain depends on L/D ratio –typically 1000 For L/D=40
【光电倍增管】-微通道板型 PMT_pmt放大系数10%-CSDN博客
2024年12月10日 · 微通道板型PMT(Microchannel Plate-photomultiplier Tube, MCP-PMT)与打拿极PMT的最大区别是,采用MCP倍增系统替代传统的打拿极倍增系统,主要由管壳、光电阴极、MCP倍增系统以及阳极组成。
MCP-PMT - Exosens
Photons MCP-PMTs combine photomultiplier tubes with microchannel plates for a fast timing detector that is ideal for single photon counting applications. We offer a range of customization options, including your choice of photocathode, timing and outputs.
我国首创大面积微通道板型光电倍增管(MCP-PMT)走向大规模 …
光电倍增管(PMT)是粒子物理及核物理实验通用的探测器核心器件,其主要作用是将微弱光信号转换并放大为电信号。 在大型中微子实验中,主要探测与中微子发生相互作用的液体闪烁体或者纯水发出的极其微弱光信号;但可用于中微子探测的大面积光电倍增管,全世界只有日本滨松公司可以生产,价格垄断,性能多年没有提升;国内仅存的几家PMT生产企业也没有任何研发能力来开发满足高能物理需求的PMT。 自2008年底,核探测器与核电子学国家重点实验室科研人员为下 …
A novel multi-anode MCP-PMT with Cherenkov radiator window
2023年4月1日 · In this manuscript, we have developed a fast-time multi-anode MCP-PMT using the Cherenkov radiator as the light window directly (hereinafter referred to as Cherenkov Radiator Window Fast PMT, CRW-FPMT), the optical interface between the radiator and conventional MCP-PMT is eliminated, and Cherenkov light will be directly converted into ...
新型微通道板型光电倍增管(MCP-PMT)研制 - USTC
2021年12月30日 · 为此,科研人员发明了一款基于微通道板的大面积高量子效率光电倍增管,使用小型mcp组件替代大面积打拿电极组件,实现透射式和反射式光阴极相结合的工作模式,期待提高pmt的探测效率。
R & D of a novel single anode fast timing MCP-PMT
2022年10月11日 · We report the R&D of a novel single anode MCP-PMT with ultrafast rise time (RT) and transit time spread (TTS), which is called fast-timing PMT (FPMT). In this paper, we mainly optimize the time performance of FPMT by simulation and experiments in three parts, including the gap distance between the MCP and anode, anode structure and high voltage ...
Photonis生产的MCP-PMT是将光电倍增管与微通道板相结合,用于快速时间探测、单光子计数的理想选择。 8mm、16mm或18mm使用直径。 束流仪器,带电粒子放大,带电粒子探测,切伦科夫探测器,超快光电分析&高速成像,高能现象成像,雷达,便携式仪器。
A new large area MCP-PMT for high energy detection
2023年11月22日 · 20-inch Large area photomultiplier tube based on microchannel plate (MCP-PMT) is newly developed in China. It is widely used in high energy detection experiments such as Jiangmen...