MCM2 - Wikipedia
DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MCM2 gene. [5] [6]
MCM2 Gene - GeneCards | MCM2 Protein | MCM2 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · MCM2 (Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with MCM2 include Deafness, Autosomal Dominant 70 and Rare Autosomal Dominant Non-Syndromic Sensorineural Deafness Type Dfna. Among its related pathways are Activation of the pre-replicative complex and CDK-mediated phosphorylation …
MCM2 in human cancer: functions, mechanisms, and clinical …
2022年10月27日 · MCM2, a core subunit of eukaryotic helicase, plays a vital role in DNA replication. The dysfunction of MCM2 results in the occurrence and progression of multiple cancers through impairing DNA replication and cell proliferation. MCM2 is …
MCM基因家族 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年4月19日 · mcm基因家族包括mcm2~7六个成员,广泛存在于包括从酵母到人类等真核生物中,具有调控细胞分裂的作用。 MCM名称来源为minichromosome mantenance,即微小染色体维持基因。
Nature | 微小染色体维持蛋白在维持基因组复制稳定性中重要作用
2020年11月30日 · 大量MCM2-7在G1期的染色质上组装为被称为“复制许可证”的复制前复合物(pre-replication complexes, pre-RCs),然而,其中只有一小部分成为基因组复制所需的CDC45-MCM-GINS(CMG)解旋酶复合物,而其余“休眠”的pre-RCs功能仍然未知【1-4】。截至目前,人们尚不清楚细胞 ...
微染色体维护复杂组件 2(MCM2)基因 | MCE
微染色体维护复杂组件 2: 由该基因编码的蛋白质是高度保守的微型染色体维持蛋白 (MCM) 之一,参与真核基因组复制的启动。由 MCM 蛋白形成的六聚体蛋白复合物是复制前复合物 (pre_RC) 的关键组成部分,可能参与复制叉的形成和其他 DNA 复制相关蛋白的募集。该蛋白质与 MCM4、6 和 7 形成复合物,并 ...
Minichromosome maintenance - Wikipedia
MCM2 has been shown to be frequently expressed in proliferating premalignant lung cells. Its expression was associated with cells having a higher proliferation potential in non-dysplastic squamous epithelium, malignant fibrous histiocytomas, and endometrial carcinoma, while MCM2 expression was also correlated higher mitotic index in breast ...
MCM2 minichromosome maintenance complex component 2
MCM2 is a novel gene responsible for nonsyndromic hearing loss of autosomal dominant inheritance in a Chinese family. The findings indicated that Mcm-2 could be a useful marker for early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma; MCM2 may be a novel therapeutic target of lovastatin treatment in NSCLCs.
MCM2在恶性肿瘤中的作用-资讯频道-华夏病理网 - ipathology
2019年4月15日 · 细胞周期的调控机制复杂,有多种基因和蛋白参与,其中微小染色体维持蛋白(Minichromosome maintenance protein,MCM)是重要的DNA复制启动因子,是所有真核细胞DNA复制所必须的。MCM家族蛋白中共6个成员,分别为MCM2~7。
MCM2 minichromosome maintenance complex component 2 …
2025年2月9日 · Title: MCM2 is involved in subtyping and tamoxifen resistance of ERα-positive breast cancer by acting as the downstream factor of ERα. Regulation of cancer stem cells by CXCL1, a chemokine whose secretion is controlled by MCM2.
Multi-Omics Analysis of MCM2 as a Promising Biomarker in Pan …
MCM2 unwinds DNA, taking part in the initiation of DNA replication by directly binding to DNA replication origins and regulating gene expression (Kearsey et al., 1996; Lei and Tye, 2001). Of all the MCMs, MCM2 is the most researched protein in cancer, which makes it a promising biomarker for diagnosing cancers.
MCM2 minichromosome maintenance complex component 2
2024年2月4日 · MCM2 promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of cholangiocarcinoma cells by reducing the p53 signaling pathway. Wang CL, Liu XY, Wang YH, Zhang Z, Wang ZD, Zhou GQWang CL, et al . Yi Chuan, 2022 Mar 20.
MCM2: An alternative to Ki-67 for measuring breast cancer cell ...
2017年5月1日 · High expression of MCM2 and MKI67 is significantly associated with shorter survival rates in breast cancer (For MCM2: hazard ratio=1.467, P=1.504e–10) (For MKI67: hazard ratio=1.432, P=1.948e–09). (c and d) Elevated levels of MCM2 and Ki-67 expression are associated with a shorter latency to clinical relapse in our validation cohort
Minichromosome Maintenance Complex (MCM) Genes Profiling and MCM2 …
Minichromosome maintenance complex (MCM) proteins are essential for the process of DNA replication and cell division. This study aimed to evaluate MCM genes expression profiles and MCM2 protein in HPV-associated cervical carcinogenesis. MCM2, 4, 5 ...
MCM2 in human cancer: functions, mechanisms, and clinical …
Aberrant DNA replication is the main source of genomic instability that leads to tumorigenesis and progression. MCM2, a core subunit of eukaryotic helicase, plays a vital role in DNA replication. The dysfunction of MCM2 results in the occurrence and progression of multiple cancers through impairing DNA replication and cell proliferation ...
MCM2 in human cancer: functions, mechanisms, and clinical
2022年10月27日 · MCM2 is a vital regulator in DNA replication. The overexpression of MCM2 was detected in multiple types of cancers, and the dysfunction of MCM2 was correlated with the progression and poor prognoses of malignant tumors. According to the altered expression of MCM2 and its correlation with clinicopath …
Mcm2 promotes stem cell differentiation via its ability to bind
2022年11月10日 · Mcm2, a subunit of the minichromosome maintenance proteins 2–7 (Mcm2-7) helicase best known for its role in DNA replication, contains a histone binding motif that facilitates the transfer of parental histones following DNA replication. Here, we show that Mcm2 is important for the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells.
The Role of the MCM2-7 Helicase Subunit MCM2 in Epigenetic …
The MCM2-7 helicase plays a crucial role in unwinding the double-stranded DNA template during DNA replication. Recent studies indicate that the MCM2-7 helicase subunit Mcm2 also facilitates the transfer of the parental histone H3-H4 tetramer …
Identification of MCM2-Interacting Proteins Associated with
2025年1月25日 · MCM2 is a key component of the eukaryotic replication initiation complex, which is essential for DNA replication. In this study, we fused MCM2 with enhanced APEX2 to perform in situ biotinylation.
MCM2: An alternative to Ki-67 for measuring breast cancer cell ...
2016年9月27日 · MCM2 belongs to the MCM protein complex or pre-replicative complex, which consists of six highly conserved proteins (MCM2-MCM7) collectively interacting to bring about initiation of DNA replication. 34 This complex is considered to be the converging point that connects the growth signaling pathways with the initiation of DNA replication. 35 ...