Mau rākau - Wikipedia
Mau rākau, meaning "to bear a weapon", is a martial art based on traditional Māori weapons. Mau rākau is a general term referring to the skilled use of weapons. It is said that the use of …
Story: Mau rākau – Māori use of weaponry - Te Ara: The …
In the para whakawai (weapons training school) young men learnt mau rākau (the use of weapons). They were instructed in battle formations, weapon use, and attack and defence …
Mau rakau |Maori martial arts | Maori weaponry | TWoA
Mau Rākau is a traditional Māori martial art and this unique programme gives you the opportunity to learn the ancestral practices, values and protocols of the warrior. You'll learn about Māori …
What is Mau Rãkau - Nga Pou
What is Mau Rākau? Te Whare-Tū-taua and Mau Rakau Using the different tools of Tū, Nga Pou teaches basic hand eye coordination, speed, agility, distance management, discipline and …
Page 1. Weapons training - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New …
Much of traditional Māori society was based on warfare and weaponry. It was the ambition of every Māori warrior to die in battle, and warriors’ upbringing conditioned them to be experts in …
Nga Pou - Whare-Tū-taua and Mau Rakau
Nga Pou school programmes provide our Tamariki with important cultural context and understanding through sessions in traditional Taonga Pūoro and Mau Rakau. Through …
The revival of mau rākau is a rarely told story that has played a key part in reacquainting many Māori with their heritage and identity. Mau rākau is a type of martial art. It involves wielding the …
Mau rākau – Māori use of weaponry - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of …
Mau rākau – Māori use of weaponry by Rangi Matamua. The use of traditional Māori weaponry declined after Europeans arrived in New Zealand. Weapons such as taiaha (fighting staffs) …
Mau Rakau - Black Belt Wiki
Mau Rakau is a weapons-based martial arts developed by the Maori of New Zealand. Mau Rakau teaches the use of traditional Maori weapons such as the Taiaha (short spear/staff weapon), …
Apr 14, 2023 · “To bear a weapon” is the literal translation of an Oceana combat style known as Mau Rakau. This “weapon” based martial art form is said to have originated from New …