thumb safety for glocks and who is best installer | Glock Talk
2020年4月24日 · Mas Ayoob said: I presume you're talking about the Cominolli safety, developed many years ago by Joe ...
SIG P365, by Massad Ayoob - Glock Talk
2018年12月24日 · The 3.1″ barrel sits above a full-length guide rod with what Mas feels is an unheralded feature — it allows the barrel/slide assembly to stay in battery when the muzzle is pressed straight in against resistance. A “hard contact” shot in …
Mas Ayoob G21 vs G30 | Glock Talk
2011年2月26日 · Mas Ayoob said: CDR, there is the occasional firearms platform that defies the conventional wisdom and the Glock 30 is one of those. I've seen the G21 do 1.5" or a bit less at 25 yards for 5 shots, off the bench, but I've seen the G30 do UNDER 1.0".
Mas Ayoob on the "Shoot Me First" Vest | Glock Talk
2023年3月1日 · Definition of Democracy as understood by the ruling masters of the Democratic Party: The ability of the un-elected leaders of the US shadow government to control and manipulate the internal and foreign affairs of countries throughout the world including the US through the use a coups, subversion, propaganda, election rigging, censorship, lawfare, terrorism, murder, destabilization, mind ...
Cominolli manual safety - Glock Talk
2020年2月25日 · Mas Ayoob reported several cases where this happened after the Illinois State Police went to the S&W Model 39 DA semi-auto pistols back in the 1960s. Back to the Siderlock, it requires practice, and is not as good as a good thumb safety, but better than an AD/ND.
Glock 30 Accuracy: 30 vs 30S | Glock Talk
2017年9月3日 · The high standard set by the G30 is 5 shots off the bench grouped under 1.0 inch at a target range of 25 yards using factory ammo reported by Mas Ayoob. He achieved these results twice with a G30; first using Remington 185gr Express JHP and later with Federal 230gr Hydra-Shok JHP factory ammo.
Glock 30s accuracy - Glock Talk
2015年3月15日 · The high standard set by the G30 is 5 shots off the bench grouped under 1.0 inch at a target range of 25 yards using factory ammo reported by Mas Ayoob. He achieved these results twice; first using Remington 185gr Express JHP and later with Federal 230gr Hydra-Shok JHP factory ammo.
Massad what your opinion of the 40 caliber compared to...
2015年10月3日 · Thanks for prompt reply mas, i am about to pick up a glock 22 gen 3, which will be my wea Mas Ayoob said: The .40 S&W was introduced a quarter century ago as a compromise between those who wanted a 16-shot 9mm or an 8- or 9-shot .45.
147 grain Gold Dot G2 - Glock Talk
2015年2月6日 · Hey Mas I'm a civilian CCW, and I was able to purchase a box of 2014 G2 rounds from Streicher's. Did I get very lucky to have found one box? Not sure. Does the original 147 Gold Dot have a good street record? Do you think the G2 …
Blacklist Match Grade Barrel Review - Glock Talk
2017年1月30日 · I used the famous Mas Ayoob’s method for determining accuracy. He does his accuracy test the same way each time. His own words: “Each five-shot group was measured once for all the hits, and again for the best three, the latter measurement having proven over the years that it will come very close to what the same gun/load combination will ...