Marwan Fahs - Google Scholar
Marwan Fahs. National School for Water and Environmental Engineering- Strasbourg. Verified email at unistra.fr. Fluid Mechanics mass and heat transfer Porous Media. ... M Fahs, B Ataie‐Ashtiani, A Younes, CT Simmons, P Ackerer. Water Resources Research 52 (9), 7382-7407, 2016. 45: 2016:
Marwan Fahs
Marwan FAHS, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 1,692 | of University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (UNISTRA) | Read 165 publications | Contact Marwan FAHS
Marwan Fahs | Institut Terre & Environnement de Strasbourg | ITES
Modeling water flow, mass and heat transfer in aquifers. Development of efficient and robust numerical models. Shafabakhsh P., Ataie-Ashtiani B., Simmons C. T., Younes A., Fahs M. (2021). Convective-Reactive Transport of Dissolved CO2 in Fractured-Geological Formations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (minor revisions).
Marwan Fahs | Université de Strasbourg - Academia.edu
I am hydrogeologist working on modeling groundwater, flow and mass transfer processes in aquifers. Water, 2021. In multispecies electrolyte solutions, each individual species can migrate according to its speci... more. Water. Modeling fluid flow and transport processes in porous media is a relevant topic for a wide range ... more. Water.
Marwan fahs (0000-0003-0454-6476) - ORCID
What are the alternative pumping strategies to stimulate areservoir without triggering distant faults? Contributors: Marwan Fahs; Thomas Graf; Tuong Vi Tran; Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani; Craig. T. Simmons; Anis Younes. Review activity for Advances in water resources. (13) Review activity for Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment. (1)
Marwan FAHS | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Marwan FAHS, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 1,315 | of University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (UNISTRA) | Read 139 publications | Contact Marwan FAHS
Marwan Fahs - anperc.kaust.edu.sa
Marwan Fahs is an Associate professor at LHYGES (Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg) and the National School of Water and Environmental Engineering. His research area is flow, mass transport and heat transfer in aquifers and in fractured domains.
Marwan Fahs - Loop
Marwan Fahs is an Associate professor at LHYGES (Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg) and the National School of Water and Environmental Engineering. His research area is flow, mass transport and heat transfer in aquifers and in fractured domains.
Marwan Fahs | Université de Strasbourg - Academia.edu
Marwan Fahs, Université de Strasbourg, 67000 Department, Faculty Member. Studies Fluid Mechanics, Fluid flow in porous media, and Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. I am hydrogeologist working on modeling groundwater, flow and mass transfer
Marwan Fahs - Assistant Professor - National School for Water …
Consultez le profil de Marwan Fahs sur LinkedIn, une communauté professionnelle d’un milliard de membres. Chercheur chez CNRS · National School for Water and Environmental Engineering · Sabah...
- 职位: Chercheur chez CNRS
- 位置: National School for Water and Environmental Engineering