Marwan Fahs - Google Scholar
Marwan Fahs. National School for Water and Environmental Engineering- Strasbourg. Verified email at unistra.fr. Fluid Mechanics mass and heat transfer Porous Media. ... M Fahs, B …
Marwan Fahs
Marwan FAHS, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 1,692 | of University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (UNISTRA) | Read 165 publications | Contact Marwan FAHS
Marwan Fahs | Institut Terre & Environnement de Strasbourg | ITES
Modeling water flow, mass and heat transfer in aquifers. Development of efficient and robust numerical models. Shafabakhsh P., Ataie-Ashtiani B., Simmons C. T., Younes A., Fahs M. …
Marwan Fahs | Université de Strasbourg - Academia.edu
I am hydrogeologist working on modeling groundwater, flow and mass transfer processes in aquifers. Water, 2021. In multispecies electrolyte solutions, each individual species can …
Marwan fahs (0000-0003-0454-6476) - ORCID
What are the alternative pumping strategies to stimulate areservoir without triggering distant faults? Contributors: Marwan Fahs; Thomas Graf; Tuong Vi Tran; Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani; …
Marwan FAHS | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Marwan FAHS, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 1,315 | of University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (UNISTRA) | Read 139 publications | Contact Marwan FAHS
Marwan Fahs - anperc.kaust.edu.sa
Marwan Fahs is an Associate professor at LHYGES (Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg) and the National School of Water and Environmental Engineering. His research …
Marwan Fahs - Loop
Marwan Fahs is an Associate professor at LHYGES (Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg) and the National School of Water and Environmental Engineering. His research …
Marwan Fahs | Université de Strasbourg - Academia.edu
Marwan Fahs, Université de Strasbourg, 67000 Department, Faculty Member. Studies Fluid Mechanics, Fluid flow in porous media, and Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. I am …
Marwan Fahs - Assistant Professor - National School for Water …
Consultez le profil de Marwan Fahs sur LinkedIn, une communauté professionnelle d’un milliard de membres. Chercheur chez CNRS · National School for Water and Environmental …
- 职位: Chercheur chez CNRS
- 位置: National School for Water and Environmental Engineering