Home - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
Manhattan Public Library enhances quality of life by connecting the community to information and innovation and providing a welcoming, safe, and fun place for all.
Digital Library - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
Visit the Kansas State Library’s Statewide Resources for a variety of eBooks and Audiobooks! Services include cloudLibrary (eBooks, Audiobooks), Freading (eBooks), Project Gutenberg (eBooks), and more.
Online Resources - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
Any resource with this icon may require you to login using a Kansas Library eCard. To apply for one, please call the library at (785) 776 – 4741 ext. 300. For additional information, visit the Kansas Library eCard website.
Books & More - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas - mhklibrary.org
You can check out eBooks, audiobooks, music, and more using one of the library’s online resources. To log in to each service, use your library card number and password/pin. *Note: The Kansas State Library resources require a state card.
Job Opportunities - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
We have an opening for an enthusiastic person to join our team as a library assistant. The primary responsibility of this position is providing customer assistance, reader’s advisory, and supervision in the library’s children’s, teen, and adult service areas.
Welcome - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas - mhklibrary.org
You will need your password to use library computers or to log in to your library account online. If you can’t remember your Password, you can use the online forgot password link, visit the Check Out Desk or call 785-776-4741 ext. 200 to have it re-set.
Contact Us - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
Manhattan, KS 66502. phone: (785) 776-4741 fax: (785) 776-1545 email: [email protected]
Public Computers - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
Use your library card and password to access computers in the Children’s Library or on the second floor near the Reference Desk. If you don’t have a library card, you can obtain a temporary guest pass, valid for one day, from most service desks.
myLIBRO Mobile App - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
LIBRARY ON THE GO. With myLIBRO, you can search the catalog, place holds, reserve & renew, check fines, download & play audiobooks on Overdrive. Your phone becomes a free virtual library with myLIBRO. Available 24/7, wherever you are!
Meeting Rooms - Manhattan Public Library - Kansas
The Manhattan Public Library welcomes everyone with inviting spaces for collaborative interaction and public use. Meeting rooms are available so that people may gather to exchange ideas, access, share information, and participate in community activities.