The Man-Moth - Poetry Foundation
Man-Moth: Newspaper misprint for “mammoth.” cracks in the buildings are filled with battered moonlight. The whole shadow of Man is only as big as his hat. and he makes an inverted pin, the point magnetized to the moon. of a temperature impossible to record in thermometers. the moon looks rather different to him. He emerges.
The Man-Moth Poem Summary and Analysis - LitCharts
The best The Man-Moth study guide on the planet. The fastest way to understand the poem's meaning, themes, form, rhyme scheme, meter, and poetic devices.
Explanation of THE MAN-MOTH by ELIZABETH BISHOP - Poetry …
"The Man-Moth" is a poem written by Elizabeth Bishop that explores the theme of human nature and the desire for transcendence. The poem is characterized by its use of vivid and descriptive imagery, its complex structure, and its questioning of traditional notions of reality and perception.
The Man-Moth, by Elizabeth Bishop - Poeticous
The whole shadow of Man is only as big as his hat. It lies at his feet like a circle for a doll to stand on, and he makes an inverted pin, the point magnetized to the moon.
The Man-Moth Analysis - eNotes.com
The Man-Moth of the poem is a mysterious nocturnal inhabitant of the city—half man, half moth—whose fearful, obsessive actions represent the city’s interior, imaginative life. The...
The Man–Moth - Encyclopedia.com
The Man-Moth, even though he is much larger than ordinary man (at least metaphorically), possesses a spirit that exhibits both strength and weakness. The Man-Moth emerges from his dark hiding space to climb the tall buildings that surround him. As he climbs, he reaches for the moon, an act that he is not sure of, but he climbs nonetheless.
The Man-Moth Summary by Elizabeth Bishop: A Poetic Analysis
Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “The Man-Moth” is a haunting exploration of the human condition. The titular creature is a mysterious figure, part man and part moth, who is driven by a relentless desire to reach the moon.
Man-Moth Study Guide - GradeSaver
Man-Moth study guide contains a biography of Elizabeth Bishop, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
Man-Moth Stanzas 1-3 Summary and Analysis - GradeSaver
Man-Moth study guide contains a biography of Elizabeth Bishop, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
Man-Moth Summary - GradeSaver
Man-Moth study guide contains a biography of Elizabeth Bishop, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.