What is the full taxonomy classification of humans? | Socratic
Mar 3, 2018 · Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mamallia Order: Primate Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: Sapiens Hope this helps. Eukarya means …
How do humans impact the water cycle? + Example - Socratic
Mar 21, 2017 · Humans impact the water cycle in numerous ways. Humans affect the water cycle in numerous ways. Some of our actions purposefully affect the water cycle and other human …
For s, p, d, and f orbitals, how many electrons can each hold?
Aug 11, 2016 · See below. The subshells s, p, d, and f contain the following number of orbitals respectively, where every orbital can hold up to two electrons maximum: s: 1 orbital, 2 …
How many valence electrons does phosphorus have? - Socratic
Nov 3, 2015 · 5 There are two ways to find out. Either you take a look at your periodic table and look at which group number P belongs (this can be seen on upper portion) or you can draw the …
A family has 3 children. Find the probabilities. A) all boys B) All ...
Apr 19, 2017 · We have 3 children, with each one possibly being a boy or a girl. And so for each child, the probability of being a boy is #1/2# as is the probability of being a girl #1/2#
Why was the White Man's Burden written and what was was its
Dec 29, 2016 · Rudyard Kipling was writing to encourage United States Imperialism in the Philippines (and elsewhere) as a positive force in the development of the World. As a active …
Combinations and Permutations - Statistics - Socratic
At a restaurant, you can choose from 2 appetizers, 4 main courses, and 3 desserts. How many different meals, each consisting of one appetizer, one main course, and one dessert, can be …
Supposed that a department contains 10 men and 15 women.
Feb 27, 2016 · There are 96460 ways to form the committee. First we ask, how many ways are there to choose r objects out of n distinct objects? The answer turns out to be ((n),(r)) = …
How do you convert from joules to electron volts? | Socratic
Apr 14, 2018 · By definition one electron volt is the energy acquired by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt 1\\ "eV"=(1.60217662 × 10^-19\\ "C")xx(1\\ …
How long is an eon in years? - Socratic
Jan 27, 2016 · Eon has a number of meanings. In Astronomy, an eon refers to 1 billion (10^9) years. But it also refers to a very long, unspecified period of time, or specific geologic stages of …