Fender '65 RI Mustang, '66 RI Jazzmaster, '62 RI Jaguar
2009年5月6日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
51-57 precision bass | Gretsch-Talk Forum
Hi all and especially those guitarists that play a bit of bass. I just bought this. It was built by a user on from the UK bass guitar forum www.basschat.co.uk. He built it for himself and is not a vendor. It is based on a 1954 Precision model with the belly carve. It's not a replica as it...
jet electromatic | Gretsch-Talk Forum
I’ve owned a Gretsch G5230T Jet Electromatic for a while now and want to change the pickups. I know the tv jones and the filtertron pickups are great for the hollow bodies but not sure if they will sound good on my guitar. Any other pickup recommendations are welcomed!
Any one else ditch the distortion whenthey got older
2019年1月18日 · In terms of dirt, I barely go much far, except if it is exceptionally required by my band's tunes. My maximum would be à la Santana or à la Deep Purple.
This made me laugh | Gretsch-Talk Forum
2016年7月17日 · Guitar Giveaway. Log in Register. What's new Search. Search. Search titles only By: Search Advanced search
Joe Hi-LoTron | Gretsch-Talk Forum
2010年5月19日 · There are no messages on Joe Hi-LoTron's profile yet. Loading… Loading…
Guitars you got rid of when you were young and foolish that you …
2019年1月16日 · I really can't think of the "one that got away." I've never sold one because I absolutely had to for financial reason, though that's usually at least part of the calculation. If I had to pick one, it would be a gorgeous, near mint, lightly flamed 1961 6120. I sold it …
Singing & Playing | Gretsch-Talk Forum
2009年11月19日 · Singing and playing guitar at the same time is very easy for me. Singing and playing the bass at the same time is a problem. I admire you bass players that can sing your vocal parts and also play the bass line at the same time.
Can you tell the difference between a $300 guitar vs a $2200 one?
2017年5月5日 · Can you tell a $300 guitar apart from a $2200 one? Let's see! I recently got a Wildwood spec 65' AVRI Jazzmaster to replace my Squire Vintage Modified Jazzmaster. Both are bone stock, except one thing - I upgraded the pickups in the Squire with AVRI 65' pickups. Therefore, the pickups should be...
spacecontrol | Gretsch-Talk Forum
2023年9月25日 · Hey all, Been meaning to do this mod to my G100ce. I absolutely love the look of the space control bridge. Wanted to try it out on my G1