Difference between mail and mailx? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Behold the confusing history of mail, nail, mailx. Briefly, mail is the older program, mailx (formerly nail in some implementations) is a newer version , with an extended mostly-but-not-totally-compatible interface. mailx is still quite old, created around 1986 and standarized as part of POSIX in 1992. There are several implementations (even in modern Linuxes), and some …
Mailx attaching multiple files using wild card
2022年8月27日 · echo "Hello" | mailx -a "test attachments" -a output2019* [email protected] Above script only attaching one file of 2019. I want all 3 files with 2019 should attach to email. Please I am looking for actual attachment not some uuencode where it past on email body.
mailx - While sending mail, the body of the mail lines are getting ...
2024年4月29日 · I have to send an email from my development server, the mail body is having some 20 lines. But Few lines are getting merged. I have tried no of scenarios (used mailx,mail & sendmail also) to av...
Trouble Sending file content in the mail body with mailx
2018年9月25日 · I need to send an email using the mailx command. I am clear that the command would be the following by example: echo "Body message" | mailx -s "Sending mail with Mailx" -r "[email protected]" "[email protected]" Now, I have a file and I need to send the contents of the file in the body of the email
mailx execute successfully but not sending mail out
I'm using mailx and sendmail functions to send mail from set of solaris machine with different versions. And the script send mail for most of the machine. Still issue is there on sending out mail f...
Mailx SSL/TLS handshake failed: Unknown error -5938
2016年11月26日 · The SSL/TLS handshake is successful, and I am able to connect to Postfix using mailx. If you would like to post your comment as the answer, I would love to accept your answer.
How to mailx working with Content-Type: text/html
2023年1月7日 · My mailx version is : Heirloom mailx 12.5 This command solved my issue : (echo "Content-Type: text/html"; cat file.html ) | mailx -r [email protected] -s "Suject" -S content_type=text/html -S smtp=smtp.acme.com [email protected]
cron - Calling mailx from crond - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2016年6月19日 · Tell mailx to run mailx -t, which expects a full email with headers on standard input. From a cursory examination, it doesn't look like you can pass a command with parameters via the crond startup script.
Ubuntu 18.04: Error with mailx smtp - mailx: unrecognized option …
2018年9月18日 · Debian and Ubuntu have replaced Heirloom mailx with s-nail mailx. Both support that option. But there are several other mailx commands from other packages which do not, including the GNU Mailutils mailx which you have apparently unknowingly switched to.
What is the maximum size for attachment using unix mailx
2014年12月24日 · I am using RHEL 6.4. I have a script which runs in bash. The script sends an email using the command: mailx -a report.txt "Monthly Report" "[email protected]" < messageBody.html where report.t...