magiccards.info proxy printer - Magic General - MTG Salvation
2010年8月26日 · I just printed them out using magiccards.info proxy thing, cut them using a big paper cutter, then glued them onto the backs of rule cards, and stuck them in sleeves. They …
What kind of Card Stock does MTG use? - MTG Salvation
2010年10月8日 · A decent high res solid ink printer is probably gonna run you a grand or so, then you need to buy the ink sticks, they're about $150 a set or so, then you need to get a nice card …
Best way to make proxies? - Magic General - MTG Salvation
2011年8月13日 · Normally I'd use the magiccards.info proxy generator, but since a large portion of the deck is black or old-frame artifact so it'd take a prohibitively large amount of ink and on …
My Java Proxy Deck Printer - Third Party Products - MTG Salvation
2011年9月5日 · MTG Salvation Forums ... My Java Proxy Deck Printer #1 Sep 5, 2011. RedditSerendib. RedditSerendib. View ...
Where can I get custom Magic: the Gathering cards printed?
2013年2月9日 · If you're looking to get the correct thickness for the cards, ask the print shop to print them on 14-point paper, or whatever they have in stock that requires a printer drum to …
Best way to print cards - Magic General - MTG Salvation
2024年5月31日 · I'm trying to proxy a bunch of cards for some EDH and testing (my playgroup proxies a lot). Does anyone have a suggestion for the best way to print out a bunch of cards, …
[PRIMER] How to playtest your cards both on paper and online
2015年9月11日 · If your doing a lower quality playtest or you have access to a high quality printer you can use the MSE2 print option directly and cut out the need to create PDF documents. For …
What happened to the proxy printer!?!? - MTG Salvation
2011年5月19日 · The little card info window that popped up for highlighted cards had a proxy printing option that had the proxies PERFECTLY formated to clue onto another car... This site …
Proxy Cards on EBay!?!? - Magic General - MTG Salvation
2015年6月24日 · Printer Shops for example use to NOT print proxy cards if they are ordered to do so, even if its for private use. Ofcourse some might simply not care, but real professional …
Custom Card Creation - Magic Fundamentals - MTG Salvation
2016年2月4日 · Cheap (for a laser printer), color (that's not half-bad for a laser printer), auto-duplexing (a must for card backs & DFCs). Software - MSE (obviously), Paint.net (I add in card …