基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)种类及功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MMP-1、MMP-2、MMP-3、MMP-7、MMP-8、MMP-9、MMP-12、MMP-13以及MT1-MMP和MT3-MMP在各种血管组织和细胞中表达。 MMPs通常以非活性的proMMP形式分泌,它被包括其他MMP在内的各种蛋白酶裂解为活性形式。 MMPs降解ECM中的各种蛋白质底物,包括胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白。 MMPs促进细胞增殖、迁移和分化,并在血管生成、细胞凋亡和组织修复中发挥作用。 它们影响内皮细胞功能以及 血管平滑肌细胞 的迁移、增殖、Ca2+信号传导、收缩。 …
Membrane-type I matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), lipid …
Membrane-type I matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), a zinc-dependent endopeptidase, proteolytically cleaves extracellular matrix components, and non-matrix proteins, thereby regulating many physiological and pathophysiological processes. Emerging evidence supports the vital role of MT1-MMP in lipid metabolism.
Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases: Their functions and ...
2015年5月1日 · Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases (MT-MMPs) form a subgroup of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family, and there are 6 MT-MMPs in humans. MT-MMPs are further sub-classified into type I transmembrane-type (MT1, − MT2-, MT3- and MT5-MMPs) and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored type (MT4- and MT6-MMPs).
MT1-MMP-dependent cell migration: proteolytic and non …
2019年6月28日 · Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a type I transmembrane proteinase that belongs to the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family. It is a potent modifier of cellular microenvironment and promotes cell migration and invasion of a wide variety of cell types both in physiological and p …
MT1-MMP 和 MMP-2 的新作用:超越细胞外环境,International …
2022年8月23日 · 在这篇综述文章中,我们关注两种密切相关的 MMP 的亚细胞定位和新的细胞内作用:1 型膜基质金属蛋白酶 (MT1-MMP) 和 2 型基质金属蛋白酶 (MMP-2)。 虽然 MT1-MMP 通常定位于细胞表面,但蛋白酶也定位于细胞质、小窝、高尔基体、细胞骨架、中心体和细胞核。 在这些亚细胞位置,MT1-MMP 在细胞迁移中发挥作用,巨噬细胞代谢、侵袭伪足发育、纺锤体形成和基因表达。 与 MT1-MMP 类似,MMP-2 定位于小窝、线粒体、细胞骨架、细胞核和核仁, …
Novel Roles of MT1-MMP and MMP-2: Beyond the Extracellular …
In this review article, we focus on the subcellular localization and novel intracellular roles of two closely related MMPs: membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2).
MT1-MMP: an enzyme with multidimensional regulation - Cell Press
2004年6月1日 · The activity of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a double-edged sword – it is crucial for both physiological processes and disease progression. MT1-MMP modifies various cellular functions and it is, sthus, regulated precisely as a proteinase and as a membrane protein.
MT1-MMP: A potent modifier of pericellular microenvironment
MT1-MMP promotes cell invasion and motility by pericellular ECM degradation, shedding of CD44 and syndecan1, and by activating ERK. Thus MT1-MMP is one of the factors that influence the cellular microenvironment and thereby affect cell-signaling pathways and …
MT1-MMP: a key regulator of cell migration in tissue - PubMed
MT1-MMP degrades extracellular matrix to make a path for cells to migrate, sheds cell surface molecules to give migratory signals, and activates ERK (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase) enhancing cell migration. For MT1-MMP to promote cell migration, it needs to act in co-ordination with other cell migration machinery.
The Diverse Pathways for Cell Surface MT1-MMP Localization in …
MT1-MMP is one of the five collagenase MMPs (MMP1, MMP2, MMP8, MMP13 and MT1-MMP) that can cleave fibrillar collagens, and is the only membrane-bound collagenase. It has been shown that MT1-MMP is the only enzyme capable of promoting cellular invasion in …