Capex Plan by the MPPKVVCL, Indore for FY 2016-17 to 2019-20; Our App's on Playstore; Complaint Escalation Matrix & SOP; Dashboard for Quality of Electricity Supply Division Wise; List of contractor for Third party carrying-out the electrical wiring installation work; New Service Connection Charges HT on 11 KV; New Service Connection Charges HT ...
Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited 1912, Urjas CCC PoloGround, MPPKVVCL, Indore
MPPKVVCL Indore New Connection Charges Consumer Category - HT (11 KV) Amt. in RS. S. No. Load (In kW) Load in kVA (Considering PF=0.9) New Connection Charges. Area - Urban / Rural Registration Fee Supply Affording Charges Security Deposit Metering Charges Others, (pl specify) Total Charges
Area - Urban / Rural Registration Fee Supply Affording Charges Security Deposit Metering Charges Others, (pl specify) Total Charges 1 90 100 16800 126000 341490 152000 636290 2 91 101 16800 127400 344923 152000 641123 3 92 102 16800 128800 348357 152000 645957 4 93 103 16800 130200 351790 152000 650790 5 94 104 16800 131600 355223 152000 655623 6 …
1 MADHYA PRADESH ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION 5th Floor, Metro Plaza, Bittan Market, Bhopal – 462 016 Ph: 0755-2430154, Fax: 2098 1055 Website: www.mperc.in, [email protected] _____ No. MPERC/2021/807 Bhopal Dated: -30/06/2021
Sr No. TARIFF CATEGORY PREMISE AREA Load (KW) Registration Fee Supply Affording Charges Security Deposit Metering Charges Total Charges Remark 1 Domestic RURAL 1 (KW) 420 340 700 771 2231 2 Domestic RURAL 2 (KW) 420 680 1400 771 3271 3 Domestic RURAL 3 (KW) 420 1020 2100 771 4311 4 Domestic RURAL 4 (KW) 2500 2000 2800 2113 9413 5 …
0$'+<$ 35$'(6+ 3$6+&+,0 .6+(75$ 9,'<87 9,7$5$1 &203$1< /,0,7(' ñ $11(;85( 72 7+( 127,&( 6wdwhphqw lq uhvshfw ri wkh vshfldo exvlqhvv sxuvxdqw wr wkh surylvlrqv ri 6hfwlrq ri
MPPKVVCL, Indore – The Hon’ble commission would find in the petition document availability of adequate supply of electricity in section 1.5 enumerating monthly feeder outages and month- wise supply, while growth in parameters till date is provided in section 1.3.
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Std code Phone-1 Phone-2 1 I Indore Annapurna Annapurna Power House, Behind Vishnavi Petrol Pump Annpurna Main Road ,Indore,0731 2910906 2910467 2 N City Gumasta Nagar Gumasta Nagar Power House, SCH. NO. 71 Behind BSNL
IS:13779-1999 read with latest amendments Specification for AC static watt hour meter for class 1 & 2 CBIP Technical report No.88 (with latest