Minnesota.gov Portal / mn.gov // Minnesota's State Portal
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index / mn.gov // Minnesota's State Portal
About Minnesota Minnesota, is in the north central United States. Near the geographic center of North America, it is bordered on the north by the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Ontario, on the west by North Dakota and South Dakota, on the south by Iowa, and on the east by Wisconsin and Lake Superior.
State Agencies / mn.gov // Minnesota's State Portal
Military Affairs, Department of (MN National Guard) The Department of Military Affairs consists of the National Guard military forces of the State of Minnesota, the Office of the Adjutant General, civilians employed for administration and maintenance and …
State Government / mn.gov // Minnesota's State Portal
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General Licensing Process / Office of Cannabis Management
General Licensing Process The Accela system is now operational. As a result of the outage, OCM has extended the application window until noon (12 p.m.) CDT on Sunday, March 16.Please be advised, Accela has informed OCM that their system requires additional maintenance from 9-11 p.m. CDT tonight (Saturday, March 15), which may cause additional disruptions to the service.
Military and Veteran specialized license plates
Driver and Vehicle Services 445 Minnesota St. St. Paul, MN 55101-5187. Related links
Standard Plates - Design Standards - MnDOT - dot.mn.gov
The Minnesota Department of Transportation provides its home page with links to its regional offices, bid letting, construction, future highway plans, hot topics, jobs, library, licensing information, map sales, news, public meetings, research, road & …
Premium rate and contributions / Minnesota Paid Leave
To determine the total contribution, the payroll total entered above is multiplied by the premium rate of 0.88%. This value is then divided to give the total contribution amount for an employer's reported employee count by week, month, quarter, or year.
Minnesota IT Services / Minnesota IT Services - Minnesota's State …
2025年1月23日 · Minnesota IT Services is the information technology agency for Minnesota’s executive branch. We deliver technology solutions for Minnesota state agencies that transform how government brings services to the people of Minnesota.
Disability parking certificates - Minnesota Department of Public …
You can apply online, or your application may be submitted at your local deputy registrar office or mailed to DVS: Driver and Vehicle Services 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101-5164. Related links. Minnesota Statute 169.346. Application for Disability Parking Certificate