The MSP builds on existing MHPSS standards and tools to create a single, easy-to-follow intersectoral package.
• Improve coordination of MHPSS within and between sectors • Strengthen advocacy for MHPSS • Design high-quality MHPSS programmes or improve existing programming • Effectively plan and budget for MHPSS activities. The learning objectives and corresponding modules should be tailored to the specific context and needs of targeted participants.
The MHPSS Minimum Service Package was developed by the IASC Reference Group for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The development of the package and the
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You can contact the MSP Helpdesk for tailored support by emailing [email protected] and [email protected]. The Helpdesk can support with: • orientations and workshops on using the MSP to strengthen the MHPSS response • integrating MHPSS into different sectors, areas of responsibility and workstreams
Visitors to the camp (people/vehicles) are clearly marked and identifiable? (i.e. badges / IDs/organization logo if relevant)
Downloads - MHPSS MSP
Recommended MHPSS training topics for caregivers, teachers, and other education personnel
Lignes directrices, normes et outils - MHPSS MSP
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Example Assessment Reports - MHPSS MSP
MHPSS needs assessment report for children in Alemwach refugee site, Ethiopia 2023. Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; 2023. Summary report: ethnographic assessment of psychosocial needs of children at Vasilika camp. Los Angeles: International Medical Corps; 2017.
Further Readings - MHPSS MSP
In: MHPSS Minimum Service Package. New York: Inter-Agency Standing Committee; 2022. QualityRights assessment tool kit: assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilities .