ME9F - Change Logical Destination (Print Ouput) - SAP Community
In transaction ME9F the logical destination is set to be LOCL for any newly printed purchase orders. However any old purchase orders that have already been printed off still default to the original printer that was set for the user (these where local printers).
ME9F po printout - SAP Community
Sep 14, 2011 · In me9f while printing several po's default printer is given incorrect. User wanted to have only one printer to suggest for him to print. Please provide the resolution Thanks Kiran
ME9F External send - can you program to select different email?
Looks like table ADR6 contains email addresses and table ADRT contains notes which are maintained in XK02. Can you enter multiple email addresses in XK02 and set the note field to "PO Vendor" for one of the email addresses so program ME9F will use this email address when doing an external send?
About purchase order print and ME9F | SAP Community
Hello, I want to exclude the purchase order list which have been set delete indicator when i run ME9F, how can i get it? ths
Problem Related To ME9F - SAP Community
Problem Related To ME9F. 25 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi, Can anybody tell me how can i take printout through ...
PDF Export: How to set bottom margin to 0 | SAP Community
Greetings, I am new to Crystal and I did not see this question on the forums, so please forgive me, if this topic has been covered elsewhere.
Spool request not generated through VF03 or VF02 | SAP …
Hello All, User is not able to generated spool request from transaction vf03 or vf02. User doesn't select print immediately option. when clicked on print system shows output was successfully issue