Error No print-relavant changes at me23n - SAP Community
2012年1月2日 · Hi Friends, I changed a smartform regarding work order of me23n. I Changes are working fine in Dev as well as in Quality Servers also. i am printing long texts.
ME23n & SAP script. - SAP Community
When I change Address in ME23N Delivery address tab, The script doesn't show the address at all. It shows as blank. In other words, when I change the address, TEXT ELEMENT in SAP-SCRIPT is being skipped. Has anyone experienced this kind of issue, kindly help out. Thanks, Anil
how to get the PO no in the smart form and in the print ... - SAP …
2011年4月21日 · I am new to smart form printing.I want to make a smartform along with print program that will show PO Details.It has to be created as an o/p type in ME23N. I have created an o/p type ZPO using NACE ..Can some one tell me how to get the PO number in the smart form and in the print program from ME23N ,so that I can then program the necessary ...
How to trigger print preview like ME23N - SAP Community
I got a requirement like in ME23N in the applicatin tool bar Print preview. I have to keep a button in my screen painter and when i click print preview automatically the script has to trigger. For this i have got the data stored in the table and i have designed the script and its working fine.
We are not getting print priview while executing of TCODE ME23N …
Hi Friends, I am facing a problem in me23n. While executing of tcode me23n we are not getting print priview or some times it is taking lots of time. Kindly suggest how to resolve this issue.
Set default date in ME23N - SAP Community
In transaction me23n ..in header details there is a tab i.e, additional data... under this tab ...there is validity start and vald end fields. I have to set validity start date same as doc date . and validi end date equal to doc date + 6 months. for eg.. if doc date is …
Table for item text in ME23N - SAP Community
Hi, I want to know the table name from which i can fetch the item text which is shown in ME23N transaction. Thanks & regard
Purchase Order Confirmation Tab | SAP Community
When I do inbound delivery thru VL31, when vendor sends the parts, I could see the Confirmation tab in ME23n getting updated with the delivered qnty , date etc... I would like to know where is the Configuration (Confirmation control key settings) set to update the Confirmation in the Purchse Orders. Is't in Sales or in Purchasing?
ME23N - Expand/Collapse Logic - SAP Community
Hi, I have to incorporate Expanding /Collapsing of Header Details & Items Overview present in ME23N in my module pool program .
usages of create attachment - SAP Community
what is the exact use of create attachment option in ME23N. when i click on create attachment it is asking for any document in the system . suppose it will capture the document where can i see that document . I did't understand what exactly it is. Advance thanking. thank you.