MCM to mm² Conversion - Calculators Conversion
MCM: The cable cross-sectional area in MCM (one million circular mils). 1,000,000: The factor representing one million circular mils in each MCM. ... (1 inch = 25.4 mm), we have: 0.001 inch = 0.0254 mm Calculating the area of a circle with a 0.001 inch diameter involves the formula for the area of a circle. When the formula is applied in the ...
MCM:千圆密耳 mille-circle milMCM=0.5067mm^2
Copper Wire Sizes: MCM, Mils, Measurements, and Conversions
When someone is measuring the diameter of a piece of copper wire, you might hear it measured in mil or mils. If you’re trying to convert mils to inches, a mil equals 1/1000th of an inch, or about 0.0254 mm. Mils should not be confused with MCM, which stands for …
Wire conductor Size Reference Chart 電線線徑尺寸 AWG Kmil - PHI
MCM: Thousands of Circular Mils. kcmil: Thousands of Circular Mils (same as MCM) For your info only. No claim as to the accuracy of the data. Link: Common Wire Sizes & Strands in the market. 定義. Mil: 0.001 英吋. Circular Mil 圓密爾: 以0.001英吋為直徑的圓面積. MCM: 1000倍的圓密爾 …
AWG Wire Chart, Aught, MCM kcmil, US Inch, and Metric Wire Sizes
Logical AWG numbers are based on continuing the series in a logarithmic relationship to the cross sectional area of the wire.
kcmil To mm2 Calculator (Formula + Chart For 250-2000 MCM …
kcmil or MCM is a measure of wire thickness. We use circular mils ( kcmil = kilo circular mils or 1000 circular mils) to determine the cross-section of a wire. Of course, circular mils are quite an abstract unit; we much prefer to use mm2 or square millimeters.
圓密耳 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
圓密耳(英文:circular mil)是一種面積單位,又稱圓密爾,等於一個直徑爲 1 密耳(千分之一英寸)的圓的面積,相當於 5.067 × 10 −4 mm 2 。 這個單位的制定和具有圓形 截面 的 電線 有關,使用這個單位可以避開 圓周率 的計算,這使得橫截面積和其直徑的對應 ...
Convert Thousand Of Circular Mils (kcmil, MCM, Units For …
This page features online conversion from thousand of circular mils to square millimeter. These units belong to different measurement systems. The first one is from Units For Measuring Wire Gauges. The second one is from Metric. If you need to …
AWGMCM线规对照表 - 百度文库
例如,常用的电话线直径为26AWG,约为0.4mm。 关于MCM,“是千圆密耳的缩写,一种老式的线规测量方法,1 MCM = 1 kcmil = 0.5067平方毫米”。 AWGMCM线规对照表-2.300.09074.174.240.1270.00500.01271,5302.050.08083.3325.310.1140.00450.00981,3771.820.07202.6276.690.1020.00400.00812,4001.630.06412.0758.450.0890.
fm、pm、nm、um、mm、cm、m之间的换算及fm、pm的读法_ …
1里=150丈=500米。 国际单位制中,长度的标准单位是“米”,用符号“m”表示。 这些长度单位均属于公制单位。 以英国和美国为主的少数欧美国家使用英制单位,因此他们使用的长度单位也就与众不同,主要有英里、码、英尺、英寸。 在天文学中常用“光年”来做长度单位,它是真空状态下光1年所走过的距离,也因此被称为光年。 其他的长度单位还有:拍米 (Pm)、兆米 (Mm)、公里 {千米} (km)、分米 (dm)、厘米 (cm)、毫米 (mm)、丝米 (dmm)、忽米 (cmm)、微米 (μm)、纳米 …