MBSImP is an evidence-based, standardization of the MBS study in the adult population. MBSImP provides a standardized protocol to profile physiologic impairment of swallowing function and to communicate MBS study results in a manner that …
MBSImP - Registered Clinicians
The Speech-Language Pathologists listed below have earned the designation of Registered MBSImP Clinician. This means that they have successfully completed the requirements of the MBSImP Online Training and Reliability Testing.
MBSImP FACILITY LISTINGS. Search Facilities By Region Search Facilities By State . InterTherapy | Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital-Aretaeio Hospital Affiliated Limassol, Cyprus 3305 35799521724; 29th Street Therapy Center Chickasha, OK 73018 405-224-0002; 7-Rivers Hospital Crystal River, FL 34428 352-795-8330; Abington Memorial Hospital ...
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The Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP™©) web-based training and patient management/reporting environments, including www.mbsimp.com, are property of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and under exclusive management by Northern Speech Services, Inc (NSS).