MB1B - SAP Community
I want to make one field (Goods recepient) In MB1B as a mandatory field. I tried creating a variant through SHD0.
MB1B - SAP Community
1) In MB1B Material to material Stock transfer , I enter the Material Number ,and Qty , but i need receiving Material number it should to be come automatically. For an ex: I having Combination Material Code .
Contingencia para nota de transferencia gerada pela transação …
Tenho o seguinte cenario: gerei uma nota de transferencia atraves da transação MB1B, movimento 833. a nota foi para o GRC NFe e esta aguardando autorização. Não quero esperar mais pois esta demorando e preciso emitir a nota. Alterei o status para contingencia atraves da J1BNFE. O sistema muda para etapa 2, aguardando o estorno do movimento.
exit in mb1b - SAP Community
hi all, after hit enter from first screen (400) and enter into second screen of mb1b, where screen number is 421, what is the exit when user hit enter or click save button in this screen (421). can le
Delay in Stock transfers – MB1B - SAP Community
I have checked with my technical team dialog response for a particular user who executes MB1B it was within threshold value. I have also cross verified with technical team regarding overall system performance and NO issues observed. This issue is appearing when I move the stock from IM --> IM and even IM --> WM as well.
Enhancement in MB1B - SAP Community
Enhancement in MB1B. 97 Views. Follow RSS Feed Dear Experts, I have developed a Badi in MB1B for Quantity ...
Can't print GR/GI slip (Collective slip) in MB1B | SAP Community
Hi Exoert, I am trying to printing of GR/GI slip (Collective slip) via transaction MB1B and MIGO for movement type 311. I have managed to successfully create a material document. But I can't see G
Posting change notice after MB1B 343 | SAP Community
I receive Purchase orders with migo 101 into blocked stock (S) and it goes to 902 GR area, after that I want to change it to unrestricted with MB1B 343 and as espected I get a PCN and when I process it to get a TO the result is as follows (say a receipt of 100kg of material A, and I have defines storage type 200 for RAW materials and 300 for ...
How to get report of all transaction passed via TCode MB1A & MB1B
Dear All, I need your help, I want to know how I can get all transaction of 261/262 posted into system via TCode MB1A & MB1B, Please provide your valuable feedback, Thank you in advance, Ganesh Va
How restrict creating MB1B doc w.r.t. Sub po without release
Jan 2, 2011 · My client requairement is for subcontracting PO there is a release stratagy, The process is Creating Sub po then creating MB1B doc w.r.t sub po Here my client is asking if PO not released then system shouldn't allow to create MB1B doc with reference to that PO. Please tell me how to restrict MB1B for 541 movement With out PO release.