M982 Excalibur - Wikipedia
The M982 Excalibur (previously XM982) is a 155 mm extended-range guided artillery shell developed in a collaborative effort between the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the United States Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC). [5] .
Raytheon Excalibur (155 mm Projectile M982) - Designation …
It featured jamming resistance in the GPS receiver and 40 km (25 miles) range. In 2018, the full-capability Increment Ib, M982A1 reached full-rate production. It has a further improved jamming-resistant GPS unit, and upgraded software to allow user-defined projectile trajectories.
M982神劍導引炮彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雷神公司以M982神劍導引砲彈為基礎開發出口徑縮小版的神劍導引砲彈Excalibur N5,口徑為127公釐,適用於美國海軍 Mk 45艦砲。 在維持精準度不變的情形下,可將射程延長至20—26 nmi(37—48 km)。 2022年 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭 期間,此炮彈初期表現優異,但在俄國干擾 全球定位系統 信號後射偏率越來越高,導致烏克蘭軍方在2024年停用。 [2][3] 待FMS流程通过: ^ Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons ineffective in Ukraine. The Washington …
大炮一响,黄金万两---浅谈“神剑”155毫米制导炮弹 - 哔哩哔哩
美国国务院上周五批准了两笔外国军售,其中一笔涉及将199枚Excalibur Increment IB M982A1 制导炮弹运往荷兰,估计价格为4,055万美元(一揽子合同, 单价约20.377万美元 )。
Spain – Excalibur Projectiles - Defense Security Cooperation Agency
The Government of Spain has requested to buy an additional one hundred fifty-three (153) M982A1 Excalibur tactical projectiles that will be added to a previously implemented case whose value was under the congressional notification threshold.
US State Department clears sale of more 155mm M982A1 …
2023年6月15日 · The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency on June 14 announced that the State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Spain of M982A1 Excalibur tactical projectiles and related equipment for an estimated cost of $48.2 million.
“亚瑟王神剑”:美国M982制导炮弹 - 百家号
M982制导炮弹采用INS/GPS复合制导技术,具有全天候精确打击能力,可在各种气候及地形条件下打击高价值目标,支援近距离作战。 M982是美军第一种具备“射后不管”能力的制导炮弹,具有致命的打击能力,雷声公司和伯福斯公司形象地将其称为“亚瑟王神剑”。 炮弹头部制导与控制舱包括引信、INS/GPS制导装置和4片鸭式舵;中部为战斗部舱,采用模块化设计,可携带不同类型的有效载荷;尾部设有折叠式尾翼。 该炮弹底部装有底排气装置,采用了高滑翔比、大升阻比的 …
XM982 Excalibur 155mm Precision Guided Extended Range …
2020年9月3日 · The Excalibur 155mm Precision Guided Extended Range Artillery Projectile, also known as the M982 ER DPICM (Extended Range Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions) Projectile, is a fire and...
155 Mm Artillery Shell : Firing Precision And Power
2024年1月25日 · The Excalibur (XM982, M982, and M982A1) is a 155 mm GPS-guided, extended-range artillery projectile that serves as the Army’s next-generation cannon artillery precision munition. It improves fire support for the maneuver force commander, increases lethality, and decreases collateral damage.
荷兰将采购199枚M982A1“神剑”制导炮弹_陆军 - 搜狐
【比利时陆军公认网站2020年4月12日报道】美国国务院已批准向荷兰出售199枚m982a1“神剑”增量1b制导炮弹,价值约4055万美元。 本次军售还包括技术援助、培训、相关配套设备以及后勤保障等。