What level armor does M856a1 go through? - Escape from Tarkov …
2020年6月19日 · Armor overall isn't great in tarkov, Good ammo ALWAYS beats good armor. And most ammo types can pen through armor eventually after only a few rounds. Armors main job …
New Quest from Peacekeeper? The Punisher.Harvest. - Escape …
2023年11月25日 · Hi, so i just recieved a new wired quest from peace keeper called The Punisher.Harvest , wich gave me from the start a bunch of high end gear...anyone knows …
This wipe is there to shaft starting players even more
2023年1月1日 · Meanwhile, I've seen streamers like Pestily who's already in his level '30s by now, and I saw LANDMARK using M855A1 ammo. I don't know, but I have an inkling that some …
Opinion on 5.56 this wipe? - Escape from Tarkov Forum
2022年3月14日 · Regardless of the weapon I load my M855A1 or M995 into, I just feel as though it is taking way too many rounds to kill enemies. When I use 7.62x39mm BP, 7.62x51mm M62, …
Constructive Arena feedback - Escape from Tarkov Forum
2023年12月20日 · Hey BSG, (and all the forum folk !) first off, i think like most other players, i really have fun playing the game so far. Sadly i have some major problems with a few of your …
Tarkov is trash - General game forum - Escape from Tarkov Forum
2020年8月13日 · I can shoot a raider granted he is wearing level 5 body armor but still around 20 times in the thorax/stomach area using m855a1 which should have no trouble with level 5, but …
Magpul gen 3 mags are actually busted - Escape from Tarkov Forum
2022年5月3日 · The gen 3 mags should reduce weapon wear since that is one of the main reasons for gen 3s existence. The gen 2 mags feed angle caused excessive wear on the feed …
If Nikita is so against "meta" guns, why does he keep creating …
2022年5月4日 · Escape from Tarkov actually does the opposite of that. It gives the maximum possible advantage when using the right gear, while still being a first-person shooter. These …
New Quest from Peacekeeper? The Punisher.Harvest. - Escape …
2023年11月25日 · Find results that contain... Any of my search term words; All of my search term words of my search term words
Why is BSG making the game easier and easier? - Escape from …
2021年1月2日 · Last wipe they: 1. Made a bunch of quests a lot easier 2. Added barter trades for a lot of items required for quests 3. Allowed you to craft tons of different quest items in hideout …