Suppressors Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor. - Sniper's …
2010年11月24日 · Re: Running a Barret M82A1 with a suppressor. Ops Inc does in fact offer a suppressor specifically for use on the M82A1 rifles called the 3rd Model 50 caliber MBS. I …
Rifle Scopes What optic for Barrett M82a1? - Sniper's Hide
2010年4月4日 · I have the chance to get a Barrett m82a1 and I’ve always wanted a 50 cal for no other reason but to have one. I know it’s not going to be a precision rig and it won’t get a lot of …
Barrett M82A1 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2003年5月31日 · Re: Barrett M82A1 I'll add that the Barrett (M82A1/M107 specifically) holds its value very well from a collector's standpoint. If you want a precision rifle it's hard to beat the …
Rifle Scopes Barrett M82a1 Scope Recommendations - Sniper's Hide
2020年10月28日 · I recently purchased a Barrett M82a1. Have not decided which optic to mount yet. Looking for something capable of shooting 1000 yards or longer, but most shots taken will …
Rifle Scopes Scoping a Barrett M-82A1 - Sniper's Hide
2010年6月3日 · The M82A1 has 27MOA of offset built into the rail, plus what ever (if any) is built into the scope mounts (i.e. Barrett makes an interesting 15/40 MOA mount - back to that later).
Handloading Hornaday 750grn A-Max For M82a1 - Sniper's Hide
2011年2月7日 · Re: Handloading Hornaday 750grn A-Max For M82a1 I run them in front of 213 grains of wc870 with fairly descent results, but I've had great luck with M8 bullets in front of the …
Does anyone make a Match Trigger for the Barrett M82A1
2023年2月9日 · Now does anyone make a Match Trigger for the Barrett M82A1? Or even a good Trigger Job would be helpful. Now I know that this isn't a Precision Sniper Rifle, but I was …
Barrett m107a1 vs m82a3 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年3月21日 · Looking at buying a barrett semi. I know these are not precision rifles by any means, but I want one. Has anyone heard of any legitiment problems with the new 107a1's vs …
Barrett M107/M82A1 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月17日 · Re: Barrett M107/M82A1 I own an M82CQ which is the 20" chrome lined version vs the 29". I am wondering the people that talk about jamming have actually owned …
M82A1 Serial Number Question | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年4月19日 · Hey guys, I recently picked up a new in box M82A1 and was wondering if anyone knew at what serial number they started production. I know the M107A1's were started …