M35A2 or M35A3? Pro's and Cons of each - SteelSoldiers
2010年10月12日 · Hello all, I am looking at buying an M35. I'm trying to decide if I should get an M35A2 or an M35A3. I am by no means a subject matter expert, so I will state what I "know" to …
Repairing the Deuce M35A2 Injection Pump - SteelSoldiers
2020年11月15日 · Ok, so I clanged the Hydraulic head, and it leaked fuel into the sump. I changed the seals (3) times!..Then found out the supplier conned us with miky mouse rubber …
Towing a M35A2 - SteelSoldiers
2010年12月23日 · What is the correct way to tow a M35A2 with a 5 ton wrecker (M816) I think. Do you lift the front end of the M35A2 off the ground with the wrecker and...
M35A2 Winch Operations - SteelSoldiers
2008年8月21日 · The purpose of this thread is to give a introduction of the M35A2 Winch. The information has been taken out of the US Army Technical Manuals. Some specs: Max Load …
M35A2 serial/ VIN # decode - SteelSoldiers
2010年1月26日 · Hello, I'm new to this site and thankful that there is a place where MV owners can go for advice, help, information, etc. I own an M35A2 Deuce-n-a-half and saw a posting …
M35a2 A/C system - SteelSoldiers
2013年8月19日 · I just bought my first M35a2 a few months ago and turns out it needed a lot more work than I had originaly thought. I dont think the last guy did anything to it because it …
What to replace troop seat boards with? m35a2 - SteelSoldiers
2013年10月3日 · I bought a set of hardware to install my troop seats and figured i would make the boards later. I have a ten inch radial arm saw that I figured would cut 2x4x12 to size. My saw …
M35A2 paint and marking questions - SteelSoldiers
2010年5月24日 · Hello Friends - just bought a clean 1969 M35A2 / Deuce and Half ! I am a Vietnam Veteran ( 1969 to 12970 ) - only markings I seen in Vietnam was the OD with white …
M35a2 hydraulic head - SteelSoldiers
2020年9月29日 · What is the difference between the 90100a and the 90101a hh on the m35a2?
M35A2 Sound Deadening Project - SteelSoldiers
2008年12月18日 · Hello all, first off, I'm a very new M35A2 owner and I would like to thank everyone for the tech info posted up on this site. With a few hours of searching, I was able to …