M44 (cyanide device) - Wikipedia
The M44 cyanide device (also called a cyanide gun, cyanide trap, or canid pest ejector) is used to kill coyotes, feral dogs, and foxes.
M44 self-propelled howitzer - Wikipedia
The M44 was an American-made self-propelled 155 mm howitzer based on the M41 Walker Bulldog tank chassis, first introduced in the early 1950s. Flaws in its design prevented it from seeing action in the Korean War, but the type went on to serve in the armies of the United States, West Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom into the late Cold War ...
M44 | War Thunder Wiki
The M44 is an American 155 mm self-propelled howitzer developed in the early 1950s to replace the obsolete M41 Gorilla. Development of the M44 was based on combat experience gained during World War II and the Korean War.
m44自行火炮 - 百度百科
M44式榴弹炮是美国于1953年研制定型的一种155mm自行榴弹炮。 该型榴弹炮由M45式身管、M80式炮架、液压弹簧式驻退机等部分组成,装备周视瞄准镜和象限仪,无红外夜视设备和三防系统。
The M-44 ejector device is an effective and environmentally sound wildlife damage management tool. The spring-activated device delivers a dose of cyanide powder to targeted animals. It uses a cyanide capsule that is registered as a restricted-use …
The Mosin Nagant M44: A carbine of the Cold War - Guns.com
Mar 6, 2014 · The Mosin-Nagant M44 is the Russian designed carbine rifle that arrived too late to win World War II. Although entire regiments toted the PPSh-41 , the average warfighter carried the Mosin-Nagant...
Help Us Ban Deadly M-44 Cyanide Devices - Predator Defense
Jan 6, 2024 · Predator Defense has long spearheaded efforts for a nationwide ban on M-44 cyanide bombs, indiscriminate devices the government uses for predator control that eject lethal sodium cyanide on unsuspecting animals and humans.
M-44 100 mm野战炮(BS-3) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-1944 100 mm野战炮(BS-3) (俄语: 100-мм полевая пушка обр. 1944 г. (БС-3))是苏联的100 mm反坦克炮兼野战炮。 这门炮是二战后期极为成功的炮并且一直服役直到20世纪50年代,最后被苏联 T-12反坦克炮 与 85mm反坦克炮(D-48) 替代。 BS-3也有被卖给了很多其他国家,因此某些国家中BS-3仍在服役中。 也有一大堆BS-3仍然存放在俄罗斯武器库中。 在2012年,至少的12门BS-3被第18机枪兼炮兵师部署到千岛群岛用来执行反舰艇与反登陆行动中来。 V.G. …
Izhevsk Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine | Colorado Gun Sales
The M44 carbine had 50,000 test units and was produced by Izhesvsk and Tula. A permanent side folding spike bayonet was also added to fix the issue of the M.38 carbine. Soviet infantry soldiers would be issued the M44 carbine.
M44: 鬼宿星团 | NASA中文
Apr 30, 2022 · An open cluster spanning some 15 light-years, M44 holds 1,000 stars or so and covers about 3 full moons (1.5 degrees) on the sky in the constellation Cancer. Visible to the unaided eye, M44 has been recognized since antiquity.