Frontier Lump Charcoal Review (Made in USA) - Smoking Meat …
2012年8月8日 · I must say, that the first 15/17 of the bag was fantastic. Nice sized lump that burned slow with minimal ash. The last 1/3 of the bag was full of small pieces, dust, little bits and a few rocks. A rather disappointing finish to an overall excellent product. I'd surmise that there was 30 pounds of usable lump charcoal in this particular bag.
Cowboy lump charcoal review - Smoking Meat Forums
2020年8月26日 · Well, Costco had a 34lb bag for $21. So I bought some. Lighting up the charcoal: easy. Same method I used to light briquettes. Ready to pour in around 10 minutes, faster than the Kingsford briquettes I usually use. Sparks: some. Maybe a little more than the Kingsford, but not excessive...
Use of lump charcoal with WSM - Smoking Meat Forums
2012年2月19日 · When I was reading the assembly instructions of my Weber Smokey Mtn smoker, I noted a caution from Weber against the use of lump charcoal in their unit. Yet I see in this forum, many of you use lump charcoal in their WSM's. So I'm asking if any of y'all have noticed any problems over the long haul by using lump rather than briquette style charcoal.
Lump Charcoal Soot/Dust - Smoking Meat Forums
2024年5月28日 · Anyways, first thing I did was buy true lump Charcoal and not the briquettes (Kingsford) my dad always uses. But the dust/soot is a problem. It leaves a coating on the grates, especially the upper warming rack, that I then have to try …
Lump Charcoal — Big Green Egg Forum
2011年11月1日 · I use Royal Oak as my standard charcoal. Walmart sells it seasonally for $6.47 for a 10 pound bag. Wicked Good is the one I use for long low and slows since it is more dense and burns slower.
Royal Oak Lump Charcoal - Smoking Meat Forums
2013年6月20日 · Is Royal Oak Lump better then the Standard Kingford charcoal? I'm a newbee when it comes to charcoal..Read some raves reports about Royal Oak Lump.I can get the Royal for same price as the Kingsford. Looking for something that burns hotter & longer then Kingsford. Just used my offset twice.. It is Brinkmann's Some N pit.. Thanks Dan
Best Lump Charcoal - Smoking Meat Forums
2010年1月10日 · Briquettes are made from the same lump charcoal, but ground to a fine dust, then mixed with sand, sawdust and other binders in a wet slurry, then pressed into shape. They are not 100% charcoal, but have those fillers and binders. Convenient and consistent, but not the quality of lump. Less heat and more ash and residue when you are done.
How to store lump charcoal? — Big Green Egg Forum
I got a Kingsford charcoal container I bought at Sam's Club for $10.00. It is made of heavy duty plastic, has a tight seal, and holds about 10 pounds of lump. I have also seen them at Home Depot, Lowe's, and Walmart.
Lump charcoal: what to do with the finer stuff?
Our son built and used a similar screen when he realigned our gravel driveway before he left for college 15 years ago. I pulled it out of the shed this afternoon and screened a 20 lb. bag of BGE lump, dividing the good stuff into two Kingsford Charcoal Caddy's.
Lump Charcoal | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
2020年4月15日 · lump charcoal is kinda hit and miss I had bought b&b before but recently bought 2 bags of royal oak 1st bag was about 50% lump and 50% dust 2nd bag I opened today probably 100% was no bigger than a golf ball any suggestions on a brand that is usually consistent size but it is certainly not royal oak